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Thread: Student Union...

  1. Default Student Union...

    Okay so i have a little bone to pick and i just wanted to voice my opinion because this really worked my nerves! Yes i am a current student at UL so i know parking completely sucks, but yesterday my grandmother who can't walk very far because she has bad ankles asked me to take her to the bookstore to get my grandfather a birthday present. Sure! i said...well we went around 1 yesterday afternoon..of course there was a line to get into the parking lot and it was "full". I waited to turn in until the ticket booth lady told me to move cause i was blocking traffic...heres my problem..they let students park here all day but people like my grandmother want to go in and possibly spend alot of money at the bookstore..if you let students park in this lot the school is getting MAYBE 5-6 dollars off of them sometimes less and they are using the twenty parking spots that should be for customers only! Everybody wants to gripe that nobody supports UL around town and the university doesn't get alot of money from the community they should stop letting students park here during the day! $5 for parking < $ 50 dollars spent at the bookstore! Just my opinion! Have a great day and thanksgiving!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Student Union...

    If your grandmother has difficulty walking she should have access to a handicap parking pass that she can carry with her. If you would have had that available, you go to the "Exit" side of the booth and show the attendant and they will let you in.

    I agree wholeheartedly that parking is an issue around that area. I'm a graduate student and I couldn't park there last night at 5:30. Hopefully with the envisioned improvements to the union, there will be some adjustments made to parking. I know there will be a tower put up in place of the credit union.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Student Union...

    It was a problem when I was in school and it remains a problem today and the UP's will never do anything about it. I used to be a ticket writer for Parking and Transit, we used to call the UP's and say they are backing up on the road to get into the pay parking lots and blocking thru traffic. They never did anything. The line for the union, is students being lazy, the union lot should be for visitors only. We should dig up and reanimate the corpse of Joseph Stalin and implant him as the new Parking Dictator for the campus. It would be known as the great parking purge. Only staff, faculty, grad student, and seniors allowed to park on campus, the rest Cajun Field with you. The pictures would show the pain in the young girl with huge ugly sunglasses on crying because her car has been towed because she was too lazy to ride the ______ing bus. The frat boys who think they own the world would be sent to Siberia(Cade Farm) for punishment, the University would never know the difference. Perestroyka!!!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Student Union...

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    _ It was a problem when I was in school and it remains a problem today and the UP's will never do anything about it. I used to be a ticket writer for Parking and Transit, we used to call the UP's and say they are backing up on the road to get into the pay parking lots and blocking thru traffic. They never did anything. The line for the union, is students being lazy, the union lot should be for visitors only. We should dig up and reanimate the corpse of Joseph Stalin and implant him as the new Parking Dictator for the campus. It would be known as the great parking purge. Only staff, faculty, grad student, and seniors allowed to park on campus, the rest Cajun Field with you. The pictures would show the pain in the young girl with huge ugly sunglasses on crying because her car has been towed because she was too lazy to ride the ______ing bus. The frat boys who think they own the world would be sent to Siberia(Cade Farm) for punishment, the University would never know the difference. Perestroyka!!! _

    Damn Hawk, one of these days, I am going to HAVE to meet you and sit and drink a beer or two with you! My treat!

  5. #5

    Default Re: Student Union...

    Quote Originally Posted by Ned Clampett View Post
    _ Damn Hawk, one of these days, I am going to HAVE to meet you and sit and drink a beer or two with you! My treat! _
    Spot 418 in the North endzone behind the RV's. Every home are invited.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Student Union...

    Only way I can think of handling this would be to make that lot by the bookstore free for the first 30 minutes. Then, 5 dollars for the first hour, unless validated for official university business.

    That would allow shoppers to get into the bookstore. While the high price would be a disincentive for students to park there.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Student Union...

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    _ It was a problem when I was in school and it remains a problem today and the UP's will never do anything about it. I used to be a ticket writer for Parking and Transit, we used to call the UP's and say they are backing up on the road to get into the pay parking lots and blocking thru traffic. They never did anything. The line for the union, is students being lazy, the union lot should be for visitors only. We should dig up and reanimate the corpse of Joseph Stalin and implant him as the new Parking Dictator for the campus. It would be known as the great parking purge. Only staff, faculty, grad student, and seniors allowed to park on campus, the rest Cajun Field with you. The pictures would show the pain in the young girl with huge ugly sunglasses on crying because her car has been towed because she was too lazy to ride the ______ing bus. The frat boys who think they own the world would be sent to Siberia(Cade Farm) for punishment, the University would never know the difference. Perestroyka!!! _
    I had no idea you were a parking nazi.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Student Union...

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    _ Spot 418 in the North endzone behind the RV's. Every home are invited. _

    Cheers Hawk. It will come to pass!

  9. #9

    Default Re: Student Union...

    Quote Originally Posted by SlappyCajun View Post
    Only way I can think of handling this would be to make that lot by the bookstore free for the first 30 minutes. Then, 5 dollars for the first hour, unless validated for official university business.

    That would allow shoppers to get into the bookstore. While the high price would be a disincentive for students to park there.
    If you are going to shop at the Bookstore in the Student Union bring in your parking stub and they will validate it and you will get free parking.

    The lot in front of the Student Union is a cluster. It is regularly "RESERVED" for some event. It aggravates me because I often try to do some shopping during my lunch hour and get aggravated when I see that sign.

    I agree with hawk about parking on campus being limited to faculty, staff, grad students, and seniors. You have way too many students driving in to campus who have no regard for basic traffic laws.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Student Union...

    Quote Originally Posted by cjr3888 View Post
    _ I had no idea you were a parking nazi. _
    I sure was and it was a blast. Nothing better than taking young college students who think they deserve to park in front of a building so they don't have to waste energy to walk short distances, and towing their cars. I was the righteous arm of vengance. I took joy in what I did.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Student Union...

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    _ I sure was and it was a blast. Nothing better than taking young college students who think they deserve to park in front of a building so they don't have to waste energy to walk short distances, and towing their cars. I was the righteous arm of vengance. I took joy in what I did. _
    not as much joy as I did having a short walk to class.

    5 years of college, never got towed once. thanks for missing mine.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by marine dude View Post
    not as much joy as I did having a short walk to class.

    5 years of college, never got towed once. thanks for missing mine.
    That makes 2 of us!!! Hahaha

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