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Thread: UL says No to community runners

  1. #37

    Default Re: UL says No to community runners

    Quote Originally Posted by foofoochaisson View Post
    There is a sign at the track, that clearly reads 'track is open to public runners from 6-8 pm. I didn't start this thread to get your opinions of why, who or when the track should be utilized by the public. I simply was asking for a conformation of the new policy, so please keep the whining to a minimum. _
    The funny part is that if this fact had come out in the original post, this thread would not be four pages long.

  2. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by BabbForHeisman View Post
    The funny part is that if this fact had come out in the original post, this thread would not be four pages long.
    Read the original post..

  3. #39

    Default Re: UL says No to community runners

    Quote Originally Posted by foofoochaisson View Post
    _ Read the original post.. _
    I did. If I had known there was a sign saying that the track was intentionally open to the public, I would have stopped reading this thread about 3.5 pages ago.

  4. #40

    Default Re: UL says No to community runners

    Quote Originally Posted by foofoochaisson View Post
    _ Well I'm no idiot. I know, like other runners who use it often, to run along the outter most portions. Anyway, it isn't "at any hour of any day" smart ass. There is a sign at the track, that clearly reads 'track is open to public runners from 6-8 pm. I didn't start this thread to get your opinions of why, who or when the track should be utilized by the public. I simply was asking for a conformation of the new policy, so please keep the whining to a minimum. _

    (1) ok, it's closed because of your shoes and a vandal or two. And you never responded re: the individual who informed you.

    (2) Barring the community from using the track seems like a bit of an overreaction?? Uhhh, no. It's a VERY sound business decision by someone who has a clue.

    (3) If only 20-30 people use it routinely on a daily basis as you say, your shoes have contributed to its demise, and therefore, your share to resurface it will be $43,580. Where can the invoice be sent? ANd who are these other people???

    (4) Just because someone has been lax in allowing ANYONE to use it is no reason to think it should be grandfathered and separated from restrictions in place for ALL other UL athletic facilities. Someone finally started caring, that is all. al la Scott Farmer??? Cudos to him if he made the decision.

    (5) If he did, his appointment to the AD's post should be immediate with no waiting!!! This decision would be proof that he dots the i's and crosses the t's.

    (6) Red's can accomodate your need for a place to work out. No bumming there though. It's pay for play.....errr run....unless you want to take full advantage of "public" parks and the cinder jogging path at Girard Park that your tax money pays for.

    (7) You WERE complaining too! Not just inquiring!

    (8) Boo hoo!

    (9) see #1

  5. #41

    Default Re: UL says No to community runners

    Quote Originally Posted by foofoochaisson View Post
    _ Well I'm no idiot. I know, like other runners who use it often, to run along the outter most portions. Anyway, it isn't "at any hour of any day" smart ass. There is a sign at the track, that clearly reads 'track is open to public runners from 6-8 pm. I didn't start this thread to get your opinions of why, who or when the track should be utilized by the public. I simply was asking for a conformation of the new policy, so please keep the whining to a minimum. _

    Sir Fooey, I forgot to ask where any sign is/was/has ever been that says the track is open from 6-8 to the public?? Or is that just smoke being blown? (puff puff puff)

    There have been signs since the days of Coach Silvey that state the track is closed to the public from 2-6 pm and that ban paid youth coaches because certain individuals were there working out/walking/jogging/coaching during team track and soccer practice periods. Additionally, athletes have to constantly advoid collisions with morons who are/were on the track and in the way of official UL team practices during those times. Therefore, Silvey put out signs hoping those people would READ the signs and not interefere with daily practices. I am amazed at the volume of illiterate peeps who still cannot read or still think they are "entitled" to be there.

    I can just see someone playing touch football on the football practice fields from 3:30 to 5:00 during football or spring practice seasons and watching Coach Bustle's reaction.

    Or could I?

  6. #42

    Default Re: UL says No to community runners

    I have come to the conclusion.... that Getthefacts1st likes stating a paragraph in numerical order, then referring to it again in that same paragraph.


  7. #43

    Default Re: UL says No to community runners

  8. #44

    Default Re: UL says No to community runners

    It is about time that th university closed the track to the public. Foofoo I think the University allowed the public to use it back when it was in such disrepair that it really didn't matter. I was disappointed to see thatafter the renovations were complete in 05 that they did not make it off limits to everyone.

    Anyone want to guess how public the track at tch will be when complete or any other hs in the area? Why should UL be different

  9. #45

    Default Re: UL says No to community runners

    Quote Originally Posted by raginWaldo View Post
    _ I have come to the conclusion.... that Getthefacts1st likes stating a paragraph in numerical order, then referring to it again in that same paragraph.

    Interesting. _

    OK. You found me out. I stut-stut-stuttttttterrrrrrr when I wri-writ-writtttttttteee as wel-wel-wel-welllllllll.

  10. Default Re: UL says No to community runners

    Spock here, it is logical to come to the conclusion the track is open to the public if a sign said it is closed to same public between certain hours.

  11. #47

    Default Re: UL says No to community runners

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    _ Spock here, it is logical to come to the conclusion the track is open to the public if a sign said it is closed to same public between certain hours. _
    Now. Turb... you're making my head hurt!!

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