To play predict what you think the final net yards gained will be for each team in rushing and passing.
Prior to your picks you will be given 100 points for each category. You job is to get your picks close enough so you retain as much of the 100 points as possible. For every yard your guess is off by, you will lose a point up to but not beyond the 100. If your pick is off by more than 100 you retained 0 points in that particular category.
The point totals from the 4 categories will be added together to determine the overall weekly winner.
In case of a tie the gamer that places their picks earliest would own the tie breaker. There is a season title to be won, so your weekly totals will carry over. However the first pick tiebreaker on the week’s portion carries no weight on determining the season champ.
CajunGrad94 was the winner in 2002
CajunRebel won PTY in 2003 with a 20 point squeaker
CajunRebel 2003 winner
The "Pick the Yardage" catagories are: UL rush:
UL pass:
NW rush:
NW pass:
ps you must enter at least 7 weeks to be eligible for the season title