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Thread: 2004-05 Volunteer Days

  1. #13

    Default V3 2004 Volunteers

    I brought a weedeater this morning but was told that it wasn't needed. If it is still needed I can bring it back tomorrow.

  2. Default

    Cajun fans lend hand


    LOUISIANA La. — Ragin’ Cajun pride showed itself this weekend, when volunteers helped prepare Cajun Field for another season of football.

    On Saturday, about 70 volunteers turned out to get the field and stadium in shape. Volunteers painted fresh coats of vermilion, trimmed hedges and pressure-washed where needed.

    The group will wrap up the work today and more volunteers are needed, said Gerald Hebert, UL Lafayette director of development for athletics.

    Later today, fans will have a chance to meet Ragin’ Cajun athletes and teams during Fan Day at the stadium. The event begins at 6 p.m.

    Hebert has coordinated the clean-up, allowing alumni and the community to show their support of the university.

    “The university has given us so much,” said Kent Suire, class of 1980. “It’s just our way to give back.”

    Helping out also creates a sense of pride, said Steve Menard, class of 1971.

    “We don’t have a $30 million budget like other people,” Menard said. “It makes people take more pride in the facility.”

    He and Calvin Thibeaux even grabbed mops to spruce up a Ragin’ Cajun pepper decal above the end zone.

    “We couldn’t pressure wash it,” Menard said.

    He took a break to admire what a little soap, water and elbow grease could do.

    “We hadn’t planned to do it, but to me it looked like it needed to be done. We got five games on TV, and it’s highly visible. It just looks so much better,” he said.

    The rest of the story
    Marsha Sills

    Beau Cajun, Steve Menard, evcajun12
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  3. #15


    Nice work Turbine.

  4. #16


    I woke up this morning and took a quick look at the paper and said, "What the !!!........." Well it was a nice article anyway. I think they could have done a little better than putting in a picture of Ole RedBug. I really had a good time. The weather was absolutely perfect, we had Judice Inn hambugers for lunch, and all 5 of my daughters were working. A lot was accomplished. I wanted to paint the rim around the field red. I was told that Bustle wants it black. It would be nice to get it painted either red or black and have sinage on it for the TV games.....

  5. #17


    Did anyone remember to grab the Lafayette sign on the way out?

  6. #18


    "Did anyone remember to grab the Lafayette sign on the way out?"

    It was gone today (Sunday)!

  7. Default volunteer

    turbine, missed you sunday! and you didn't get my picture, we did get alot of work done this past weekend. it's always fun going out there working and sharing time doing something that makes one feel good, and being around others who want to contribute. it's also an opportunity to meet other people you wouldn't otherwise see......good fellowship. if you didn't make it out there, maybe the next time. GEAUX CAJUNS.

  8. #20


    He said that he was a field goal kicker in high school. I set up a nerf football at 30 yards for him....he split the uprights with extra distance. I was impressed. Still don't know who he is, but he had a good time & he can kick!

  9. Default

    Originally posted by RedBug58
    He said that he was a field goal kicker in high school. I set up a nerf football at 30 yards for him....he split the uprights with extra distance. I was impressed. Still don't know who he is, but he had a good time & he can kick!
    Thanks! Hey RegBug58 it sure was nice to meet you Saturday. Did I read on Delphi you had others out there? Its best I didn't know I might have tried to take a family photo.

    Here is a closer view of a classic. You had a Ragin' Cajun fire in your eyes
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  10. #22


    Great work guys. Wish I could've been there to meet some of you. Thanks to all that participated!!!

  11. #23


    Thanks Turbine, my 7 year old will love this picture! My 4 other daughters got there at about 11:00 or so. (1 is at UL, 2 are at STM, & 2 at St Cecilia) I was really proud of all of them. They were so covered with paint at the end of the day that they just about took a bath in paint thinner. The time they spent can be logged as service hours at their schools.

  12. Default

    video format change let me know if it works

    Geaux Cajuns

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