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Thread: Logo Question

  1. #1

    Ragin' Cajuns Logo Question

    As a new user on this site, I have a question: Why does the UL logo appear inverted, with the L above the U? I've never seen it like that before, so I was just wondering.

  2. #2


    Which logo are you talking about?

  3. #3


    The UL logo that you would normally see on the front of hats and stuff...the one with the L passing through the bottom middle of the U. Here the L is above the U.

  4. Default Re: Logo Question

    Originally posted by BabbForHeisman
    Why does the UL logo appear inverted, with the L above the U? I've never seen it like that before, so I was just wondering.
    First of all thanks for asking and thanks to you, I'm coming clean. Yep it's my fault, guilty. But it's not because of being ashamed of the current cross haired UL, but it is true I am no fan of the current UL for at least couple of reasons.

  5. Partly because the UL currently used on some apparel is an exact knockoff of the UL previously used by Louisville, (U of L Louisville)
  6. And partly because running the school letter through the base of a U is absolutely the blandest most common usage in all of sports.

    The oldest known logo having anything to do with UL was the SLII logo. Consider it a
    seamless historical logo.
  7. SLII LogoHistory Merges

    This design above was an attempt to capture the past and meld it with the present. To somehow represent a time-line continuity as the University of Louisiana moves from a proud past into the bright future.

    Hope that answers the question,and that I didn't offend. Thanks

    Geaux Cajuns

  8. #5


    Very cool, I like it... Has anyone at the university ever considered going to that? I know they probably wouldn't but its a cool idea anyway.

  9. Default

    Originally posted by BabbForHeisman
    Very cool, I like it... Has anyone at the university ever considered going to that? I know they probably wouldn't but its a cool idea anyway.
    Thanks. Not that I know of, but then again I haven't asked.

    I think there is a huge disconnect with the past that needs to be bridged like making Christian "Red Flash" Cagle a frontal lobe memory. A UL player who won the equivalent of the Heisman in his day, although it was after he joined Army. Still he was just as special a player at UL and is still the 2nd all time scorer in UL history.

    Hey who knows as your name suggests Babb could make some history of his own. But just like the logo I think it is cooler to build on history than copy someone else’s.

  10. #7


    It is pretty cool now that someone has pointed it out. Honestly I never realized that is was inverted.

  11. #8


    Hope I don't offend anyone either, but....... the UL we use now (L under the U) looks ALOT better than the L above the U. The L above the U looks fonkatated. (Fonkatated is a cajun word I made up to mean "ugly". haha) Not only is it fonkatated, but it's alot harder to distinguish and read than the L under the U.

    God Bless.

  12. #9


    Hey, I thought I made up the word "fonkatated"... I new I should have gotten the copyright!

  13. Default

    Originally posted by Sid
    Hope I don't offend anyone either, but....... the UL we use now (L under the U) looks ALOT better than the L above the U. ...
    No offense taken.

    It's my fault, I was taken aback (a tad) when I found out we filched the original design from Louisville. I was sort of hoping to tie the schools long history of logos together in an evolutionary design.

    Having said that I'm not a fan of letters one way or the other.

    Geaux Cajuns

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