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Thread: Team Name change?

  1. #1

    UL Softball Team Name change?

    Up until 2004, the softball team was known as the Lady Cajuns. On the fence in center field were the words, "Lady Cajuns". In 2004, the softball team was known as the Ragin' Cajuns. On the center field fence are the words, "Ragin' Cajuns". I think that Lady Cajuns certainly gives a better picture of what the team is like; a bunch of young ladies. They're real girls! What gives? Why the change? Anyone knows?

  2. #2


    I think there was a movement that started a couple of years back to get all the women's teams to use "Ragin' Cajuns." The logic was that they wanted every team to be able to use the best nickname in college sports. It took a while to catch on, especially in softball, which as you have posted, has a strong identity as "Lady Cajun Softball."

    I am just speculating here, but I suspect that the "logo police" have something to do with it since there is no official mark for "Lady Cajuns." They're getting really big on this standardization kick.

  3. Default Re: Team Name change?

    Originally posted by LuLu
    Up until 2004, the softball team was known as the Lady Cajuns. On the fence in center field were the words, "Lady Cajuns".
    2002 panoramic view of Lady Cajun Park

    standby="Loading Microsoft® Windows® Media Player components..."

    It was part of a 2002 post season thread

    I'm with you, I think abandoning "Lady Cajuns" is a mistake. A huge marketing $$$ mistake.

    Geaux Cajuns

  4. #4


    "Logo Police"?????? Who would that be?

  5. Default

    Originally posted by LuLu
    "Logo Police"?????? Who would that be?
    It is a mysterious police department to say the least.

    Its covert yet feared nature led many to believe it was any of several entities. Going back a bit it was thought, perhaps to be the edict approving legislature, maybe the UL System, the original edict pushing LSU faithful, or even a combination of the above.

    Lately however –after witnessing ULMonroe put “Louisiana” on its helmet- the consensus is the "Logo Police" are members of the University of Louisiana's own marketing department.

    But no one knows for sure. . . .

    Geaux Cajuns

  6. #6


    Originally posted by LuLu
    "Logo Police"?????? Who would that be?
    That is the general reference to the news services department. Their management of logo useage is perplexing to many.

  7. #7


    Originally posted by Turbine
    Its covert yet feared nature led many to believe it was any of several entities. Going back a bit it was thought, perhaps to be the edict approving legislature, maybe the UL System, the original edict pushing LSU faithful, or even a combination of the above.

    Lately however –after witnessing ULMonroe put “Louisiana” on its helmet- the consensus is the "Logo Police" are members of the University of Louisiana's own marketing department.
    When you finally locate the enemy, we is usually them (or something like that).

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