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Thread: LITE Letting Vermilion Pride Shine

  1. Default LITE Letting Vermilion Pride Shine

    We figured with the Cajuns getting some national publicity for the game Friday night, now would be a good time to turn it back on." The lights have been out since January, when state budget cuts forced LITE to lay off five employees. Florsheim explained ...

    Homes SO Clean

  2. Default Re: LITE Letting Vermilion Pride Shine

    There is hope.

    If LITE got tired of the blackout perhaps baseball will soon tire of black uniforms and go back to UL's traditional Vermilion & White.

    Geaux Cajuns

  3. #3

    Default Re: LITE Letting Vermilion Pride Shine

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    _ There is hope.

    If LITE got tired of the blackout perhaps baseball will soon tire of black uniforms and go back to UL's traditional Vermilion & White. _

    Maybe we can start a new traditoin of the Lite glowing in Vermilion whenever UL wins a game or is in a national spotlight, like tonight.

  4. #4

    Default Re: LITE Letting Vermilion Pride Shine

    can someone explain to me what that egg is used for. I think I know but I want to make sure

  5. #5

    Default Re: LITE Letting Vermilion Pride Shine

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunfan32 View Post
    _ can someone explain to me what that egg is used for. I think I know but I want to make sure _
    It houses the six-sided visualization cube. You should visit once they reopen for public tours.

    Personally, I think the opponents' team colors should be displayed from the egg, if only to serve as a warning to the visitors what they are about to lay on the field - the largest egg they've ever seen!

    Might just creep them out enough to have an effect.

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