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Thread: Don't Roosta Like You Use ta

  1. #73

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: We WILL be viewed as the team from The Waterboy!

    I can also say I don't think the roosta is "gay". As I personally know what it's like to be gay and wouldn't be caught sober doing the dance, but, of course, to each his own.

  2. Default Re: We WILL be viewed as the team from The Waterboy!

    This is straight off the AP news wire.

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  3. Default Re: We WILL be viewed as the team from The Waterboy!

    Quote Originally Posted by alexm View Post
    _ This is straight off the AP news wire. _

    Geaux Cajuns

  4. #76


    Well said!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ragin_CajunFan View Post
    Wow pages and pages of disagreement. Look, I understand people are having fun and that's what it's all about, but you have to look outside the box. I guarantee that over half of the tailgating population (60-75%) think that this dance is over-the-top ridiculous and we're only talking about our localized tailgating, not ESPN's audience. I know you guys in the Krewe love to cook. Why not do it big with lots of cajun cooking and have the cameras focus in on these positives for our community and team instead of ESPN making a mockery of the weirdest looking roosta dance accompanied with an extremely weird and overly done thriller dance. We tailgate about 4 spots away and we notice that everyone around us thinks and feels the same way. Do it every tailgate if it's the absolute funnest thing you guys do each week. Long story short, it doesn't have to be Nationally Televised. Continue feeding everyone, playing the 30,000 song playlist, etc etc. I love tailgating just like everyone else, maybe do some zydeco cajun dancing (just leave the silly costumes out of it).


    I know NFL teams have weird people dressing up weird ("Whistle Man" for the Saints, "Dawgs in the Dog Pound" for the Browns, etc, etc....) That's the NFL, these teams are established and not looked at on a small scale. We already get laughed at for the dumbest crap. Don't add one more.


  5. #77

    Default Re: We WILL be viewed as the team from The Waterboy!

    My mama always said "Doing the Rooster Dance is of the Devil"

  6. #78

    Default Re: We WILL be viewed as the team from The Waterboy!

    Well, it's nice to see this discussion remained civil.

    How dare people have fun, indeed.

    Again, I ask you, how is it any different from a "Second Line"? Or any other line dance? If anything, the great thing about this dance is that anyone can do it. This ain't "So you think you can dance?" (More like: 'So you think you can Roosta?')

    Seriously? WHAT is offensive or embarrassing about it? I fail to see what is so bad about it. Again, is it the fact that it looks "country" or something like that? Is it that it involves cajun or zydeco music?

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunNation View Post
    I'm trying to picture myself watching grown men and women act like chickens on national TV, claiming to represent me and my family, and not weep for humanity, the Cajun Nation, and my alma mater.
    Who claimed that the Krewe "represents" you? They just represent the Krewe.

    Quote Originally Posted by dhuval View Post
    It wouldn't be so bad if you people could actually dance. I saw the video. It just looks like a group of people who do this "dance" because they don't really know how to dance.
    That's the beauty of it. Even the kids can join in. Seriously? Are we getting elitist about our dancing at a frickin' field full of tailgaters? This ain't opera. It's football.

    Quote Originally Posted by cajun pop View Post
    You say "by all means don't come by" I tail right in front of that embarrassment so I can't help but see it every week. O and by the way I was their many years before the Krewe moved in. To put that on ESPN would be a very selfish on your part since every Cajun fan who comes to my spot and their has been hundreds over the years think its gay. The only people who thinks it is cool is the people under the krewes tent. By the way I am over forty.
    That embarrasses you? Seriously? Why? I really don't understand what is "embarrassing" about it.

    Seriously....? It's "gay"? You're talking about a sport where over twenty players dress up in tights and regularly pat each other on the @$$, but someone dancing and having fun is gay?

    If it is that embarrassing, I'm sure you can look into getting another spot.... Who was there first really doesn't matter. We pay for the spot just like you do.

    Maybe I'm totally missing something, but I don't see how dancing to zydeco music is reinforcing any stereotypes....

  7. #79

    This is so COOL Re: We WILL be viewed as the team from The Waterboy!

    On a side note, yes, I find the following completely offensive:

  8. #80

    Default Re: We WILL be viewed as the team from The Waterboy!

    When all is said and done, if this brings more people to Cajun Field, great.

    If more people go the game, even better.

  9. #81
    Oiler's Avatar Oiler is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: We WILL be viewed as the team from The Waterboy!

    Quote Originally Posted by tetragrammaton View Post
    _ On a side note, yes, I find the following completely offensive: _
    The Roosta dance isn't offensive, its stupid.

  10. Default Re: Don"t Roosta Like You Use ta

    Quit, y'all are going to affect their performance.

    Maybe not.

  11. #83

    Default Re: We WILL be viewed as the team from The Waterboy!

    Quote Originally Posted by Oiler View Post
    The Roosta dance isn't offensive, its stupid. _
    As a member of the Krewe de Chew I agree with you 100%!!! The "Roosta" dance is stupid, rediculous, crazy, etc..... THAT'S WHY WE LOVE IT!!!! In the event you haven't noticed, we certainly don't take it seriously. If you really knew anything about us, you would find that there are numerous other things we don't take seriously while tailgating. The negative comments that have been posted here are just a few examples of something we don't take seriously. Regardless of how you feel about our "Roosta" dance The Krewe de Chew still loves all of you and you are all still welcome to come by and visit!!!!


  12. Default Re: Don"t Roosta Like You Use ta

    I find it damn near amazing people are complaining about the Roosta Dance. The Krewe de Chew are Ambassadors to not only UL but our Cajun Culture. I've had the pleasure of visiting their tent on a few occasions and have never left without being offered food and drink.

    The thing is, everyone gets that treatment whether your a Cajun fan or an opposing fan. The Roosta dance is one of their traditions. It's all in good fun. Lāche pas la patate Krewe de Chew et Laissez Les Bon Temps Roulez.

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