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Thread: Don't Roosta Like You Use ta

  1. #61

    Default Re: We WILL be viewed as the team from The Waterboy!

    Just a quick comment or two regarding this issue. As a member of the Krewe de Chew, I want to make it clear that the Krewe de Chew in no way, shape or form contacted ESPN and made them aware of what we do. How they found out is not known to me nor do I care. The fact of the matter is that we will tailgate like we always do (rain or shine) and if anyone does not want to participate with us, or view our Roosta dance they are free to simply remain in their own tailgating area or go and visit with the many other great tailgating groups. We hold no one hostage. The "Roosta" dance is not something that the Krewe de Chew developed, it simply evolved because numerous people kept requesting that we do it "one more time"!

    One of the big problems in our society these days is that everyone seems to worry about what everyone else is thinking, instead of just being yourself and having a good time. I'm getting too old to spend my time worrying about what other people think about such insignificant issues such as a simple "Roosta" dance! If you go over to the OSU GoPokes website, you will see that I have invited the OSU fans to come over and visit us at the Krewe de Chew if they choose to do so. Another tailgating group has done the same, so no doubt the OSU fans will be in for a great time. I think if you read some of the OSU fans responses to our invitation, you will find that they are very appreciative of our invitation and are looking forward to visiting with us.

    I have a sneaking suspicion that the "Roosta" will soon take on a whole new life of it's own as a result of Ragin CajunFan's first post!!!! We may even follow up the "Roosta" dance with Don Fontenot's "Ride the Donkey" and/or Nolan Cormier's "Hee Haw Breakdown"!!!! If we happen to embarrass anyone, we sincerley appologize, but if you expect us to change the way we tailgate, you can KISS OUR TAIL FEATHERS"!!!!!! LOL!!!!

    Geaux Cajuns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. #62

    Alumni Re: We WILL be viewed as the team from The Waterboy!

    It wouldn't be so bad if you people could actually dance. I saw the video. It just looks like a group of people who do this "dance" because they don't really know how to dance.

  3. #63

    Default Re: We WILL be viewed as the team from The Waterboy!

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunNation View Post
    _ I'm trying to picture myself watching grown men and women act like chickens on national TV, claiming to represent me and my family, and not weep for humanity, the Cajun Nation, and my alma mater.

    I just don't see it happenning.

    Hey, while we're at it, why don't we go get that clown, Poo-Poo Broussard to join in the festivities? Some of you people thought that was a good idea too. Remember? _
    Do you ever watch TV? Almost every reality show ever made makes you weep for humanity.
    My guess is ESPN will show a 30sec to 1 min spot on the Krewe. The other 3 hours is an opportunity for our football team to show they are a legit D1A program.The dance is inconsequential to the harm this football team could do to our program if they lay an egg on national TV. Lets all hope the chicken dance is the most embarassing portion of the telecast.

  4. #64

    Default Re: We WILL be viewed as the team from The Waterboy!

    Quote Originally Posted by BirdofParadise View Post
    _ I wasn't going to respond to this, but feel it's necessary given what I feel is some misrepresentation.

    First of all, everyone has an opinion and I respect that.

    Let me say, first, I am a member of the Krewe de Chew and proud to be one. The Krewe was started many years ago and has grown to nearly 40 members. We have three tailgaiting spots. All of us are season ticket holders and RCAF members.

    Every home game we have four or five members who are responsible for cooking entrees. Everyone else brings sides, nibbles (including homemade cracklin) bread or desserts.

    Each game we go to message boards for our opponents and invite them to come and eat with us. In fact, any fan who is tailgaiting and who is hungry is welcome to come and share a meal with us.

    One of our members has a computer with nearly 30,000 songs. We have plenty of recorded music at each game.

    The "Roosta" dance is not done 24 times a game. It is done twice, at specified times AS REQUESTED by many Cajun Fans. It started with a zydeco song called "You Can't Roosta Like You Useta." Many of us are age 40 and fact, Le Grand Chew (Charlie Daigle) is nearly 80. And, none of us can "Roosta" like we "Useta."

    The "Roosta" is not intended to be a mascot or anything like that. We're just some old farts that like to have fun before the game. We're folks that enjoy spreading the word about Cajun Tailgaiting.

    Most of the visitors to Cajun Field have come by to share the "joie da vivre" with us. And many, many visitors participate in the "Roosta."

    We are feeding the entire 75 person ESPN crew this Friday. ESPN specifically asked to film some unique tailgaiters. It was folks from UL who suggested the Krewe de Chew and spefically, the "Roosta."

    If your embarassed by Cajun fans tailgaiting, enjoying the atmosphere of good friends and dancing to zydeco music (albeit with some wearing rooster heads or noses) then by all means don't come by.

    If you want to enjoy yourself, come and have a bite with us.

    But there will come a time in your lives when you can't "Roosta like you useta." _
    You say "by all means don't come by" I tail right in front of that embarrassment so I can't help but see it every week. O and by the way I was their many years before the Krewe moved in. To put that on ESPN would be a very selfish on your part since every Cajun fan who comes to my spot and their has been hundreds over the years think its gay. The only people who thinks it is cool is the people under the krewes tent. By the way I am over forty.

  5. #65

    Default Re: We WILL be viewed as the team from The Waterboy!

    Quote Originally Posted by rhineaux View Post

    Why? Because of the people that are in favor of the dance? Or because of those who aren't? What's the point of having a discussion forum if you are going to limit anyone who doesn't buy into "popular" opinion? _
    No I was just being selfish, I didn't feel like reading anymore about this. I do not care about it so I guess I don't have to read.

  6. #66

    Default Re: We WILL be viewed as the team from The Waterboy!

    Quote Originally Posted by dhuval View Post
    It wouldn't be so bad if you people could actually dance. I saw the video. It just looks like a group of people who do this "dance" because they don't really know how to dance. _
    You are welcome to come join us and show us how to dance!!! Actually, why don't you get there early, let us know who you are, and we will allow you to teach us how to do a better dance to "Can't Roosta Like I Used To" (FYI, the song was made famous by the late Zydeco Joe Mouton). We'll just call it "Roosta" practice!!!! LOL!!!

  7. Default Re: We WILL be viewed as the team from The Waterboy!

    Quote Originally Posted by dhuval View Post
    _ It wouldn't be so bad if you people could actually dance. I saw the video. It just looks like a group of people who do this "dance" because they don't really know how to dance. _
    I look at it this way; It's just a dance. A dance with a disclaimer. If they were claiming they could actually dance good they would call it "I dance better than when I met her."

    Instead it is its own disclaimer. "I can't Roosta like I used to."

    I have no problem with it, I have seen stranger dances on American Bandstand.


    Geaux Cajuns

  8. Default Re: We WILL be viewed as the team from The Waterboy!

    Quote Originally Posted by cajun pop View Post
    _ You say "by all means don't come by" I tail right in front of that embarrassment so I can't help but see it every week. O and by the way I was their many years before the Krewe moved in. To put that on ESPN would be a very selfish on your part since every Cajun fan who comes to my spot and their has been hundreds over the years think its gay. The only people who thinks it is cool is the people under the krewes tent. By the way I am over forty. _
    I am a member of the Krewe de Chew and take care of the website and Twitter account of the KdC.

    I think I can respectfully say that I appreciate your time and loyalty to the UL football program, Cajun Pop, and your opinions regarding tailgating. That said, I think there are a lot of things that the KdC does "right" with regard to tailgating; I'm not at all sure we deserve to be vilified for expressing ourselves with a little music and dance that's done twice during a tailgating. I can honestly say that I had NO idea some of our tailgating neighbors were so embarrassed or offended by "Da Roosta Dance." This makes me feel really sad. I am sorry that you, Cajun Pop, and any other posters feel that way.

    With all that said, I don't think a 30-second spot of the KdC dancing to some music on ESPN will make or break the rest of the nation's opinion of our football program. I think the performance on the field by the Cajuns will have a far, far greater impact on the nation's perception of UL and its football program.

    Just my two cents. Geaux Cajuns!

  9. #69

    Default Re: We WILL be viewed as the team from The Waterboy!

    Quote Originally Posted by foofoochaisson View Post
    _ If Espn puts this on TV, they're doing it strictly to mock UL.. This kind of stuff is good fun for ppl in this area who grew up with Cajun French culture and Mardi Gras, but the nation will not understand. This should not be televised. _
    (1) ESPN puts all sorts of dumb stuff on TV in their "Crashing the Dorms" segment, so it will not surprise me if they put this dance thing on TV.
    (2) The airing of the "Swamp People" reality series on History Channel has probably already shaped the national view of cajun culture, if the nation didn't have a view already. We are stuck with the negative images for now.

    I deal with the Waterboy comments here in Austin. In fact, I heard it last week at a work party. My response: "A lot of Longhorns applied for the job this Waterboy now occupies."

  10. #70
    CajunZ1's Avatar CajunZ1 is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure


    Quote Originally Posted by cajun pop View Post
    By the way I am over forty.
    OK Mike Gundy.

  11. #71

    Default Re: We WILL be viewed as the team from The Waterboy!

    I find nothing wrong with what these men are doing. The people who think it's stupid or gay, are jealous they aren't a part of the crew. And by the way I would rather watch the Roosta dance on ESPN than anything associated with that purple and ____ yellow mess on the wrong side of the river. Pick your battles eh fellas.

  12. #72

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: We WILL be viewed as the team from The Waterboy!

    Crew de Chew does an excellent job with food and hospitality. I sure hope ESPN shows the great cooking, delicious food, and fine folks from Louisiana. This would be an accurate representation of the cajun culture. It's time to let our intelligence, music, and fun loving spirit show on national television.

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