View Poll Results: How would you rate rate Julie Simon-Dronet's job performance

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Thread: 2004: Rate Julie Simon-Dronet's job performance

  1. #37

    Default Re: 2004: Rate Julie Simon-Dronet's job performance

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginCajun08 View Post
    _ Ok Thanks! I guess! _
    My long-winded remarks weren't intended to be a criticism of you or anybody on this board. It has been a frustrating subject for me because nothing ever comes of it.

    One way I do "my part" as hopefully a catalyst for change is refuse to buy any UL gear unless the Lafayette is textured (the stitching is the same color as the background) or so inconspicuous you'd have to be alert to notice it. I feel that under the current restrictions they have tried to meet me half way if they texture.

    We had a little discussion about a year ago on Cracker Barrel Restaurant's lack of UL apparel. It had been one of my favorite eating places but in about a month's trying the buyer would not return my phone call and I haven't been there since. The reason I wanted to talk to him was to find out if dealing with UL was a help or a hinderance in getting our stuff on the shelves. The manager and one of the wait staff was cheering me on when I expressed an interest in improving things in this area and had no problem giving me their names!

  2. #38

    Default Re: 2004: Rate Julie Simon-Dronet's job performance


  3. #39

    Default Re: 2004: Rate Julie Simon-Dronet's job performance

    User_Name, you're 'partially correct' -- We want the name. You got a problem with that? That's your real agenda, isn't it? It is to deny the name that was on my diploma in 1984.

    Oh, sure, sure. You'll probably come back with some post about how you don't care what we're called. I'm sick of the 'not caring' about the name from those whose real agenda is to deny my school its rightful name.

  4. #40

    Default Re: 2004: Rate Julie Simon-Dronet's job performance

    Quote Originally Posted by California Cajun View Post
    _ If this isn't the #1 hot button subject we've had, it ranks among the top.

    I wish everybody had the experience I had being a forum host because every time it came up I got caught in the crossfire "off the record, on the QT, and very hush-hush" (to borrow a phrase from the movie L.A. Confidential).

    This person has been blown up as a poster child for the difficulties we have been having. In a collage of things I have heard are the following:
    1. Off the record, she doesn't like the city tag and wants the same identity that we feel was ours and subsequently ripped off
    2. She is caught in the crossfire in the politics surrounding the situation
    3. She tried to force Rickey Bustle to accept the hot wheels logo on the team's helmets by giving him the choice between that and what they have now, when he wanted something else.
    4. She was overworked and understaffed, and subsequently athletics marketing was dumped on her plate.
    5. I've heard that she has a lot of power
    6. I've heard that her influence is overestimated
    7. I've also heard that anyone in her position would be in an impossible situation.
    8. I could have been knocked over with a feather when she was introduced at the recruiting bash and didn't get booed off the stage (which says that the message board isn't the real world.
    9. Let's quit talking about this thing until the SAVOIE DOCTRINE is disclosed.

    I can't explain all of this, except that the leadership for the past 30+ years has created an atmosphere of tension and uncertainty. It's important to note that we have new people in charge. It's also important to know that the new people inherited some major baggage and they have to address it (the next time Wright Waters refers to us as U-L-L I will EXPLODE!).

    The obvious solution is for athletics to provide its own marketing. This subject will never get anywhere until athletics is allowed/encouraged to determine its own destiny.

    I am not objective. I'm pro-UL. It's time to get to the root of the REAL problems and if we do so, I think we'll do all right and all of these penny-ante pitch battles we've gotten caught up with will become insignificant.

    I wish this subject would go away. If it did, and the real things that can make a difference can take hold, we won't worry so much about our temporary situation.

    But I will say that our leaders had better strut their stuff PDQ. _
    After the president and the AD, the most important positions on campus are news services, and marketing. Here's why I say that, because if you don't do those two things well, it doesn't much matter how well you do the rest. Nobody will notice.

    News services and marketing at UL are not strong. We don't hear about the good things, and our marketing performance seems to be just a lot of harrassment and missed opportunities.

    We can argue whether JSD is the person who stuck us with @Lafayette. Does anyone really feel that we see UL enough in the news, that are merchandise is available enough in town or nationally or that our coaches and fans can have the logos and products they want?

  5. #41

    Default Re: 2004: Rate Julie Simon-Dronet's job performance

    Quote Originally Posted by Louisiana84 View Post
    _ I'm sick of the 'not caring' about the name from those whose real agenda is to deny my school its rightful name. _
    I don't speak for user name, but for me, I am a Louisiana Alumni and Supporter, and I would love to be known as Louisiana and refer to us as such, but I respectfully disagree that it is our "rightful name" until we earn it. We clearly have not earned it in athletics. JMO

    I think that UL-Lafayette is better than ULL. The lafayette tag is easier to slowly get away from than the "L". ULM markets that. It's like Alabama and UAB. I hope the new administration improves our academics and athletic programs so that we are recognized as THE University of Louisiana. The day will come!

  6. #42

    Default Re: 2004: Rate Julie Simon-Dronet's job performance

    Quote Originally Posted by FTBLFN View Post
    _ I don't speak for user name, but for me, I am a Louisiana Alumni and Supporter, and I would love to be known as Louisiana and refer to us as such, but I respectfully disagree that it is our "rightful name" until we earn it. We clearly have not earned it in athletics. JMO

    I think that UL-Lafayette is better than UL. The lafayette tag is easier to slowly get away from than the "L". ULM markets that. It's like Alabama and UAB. I hope the new administration improves our academics and athletic programs so that we are recognized as THE University of Louisiana. The day will come! _
    It was earned when the State Board of Trustees of Colleges and Universities granted the name in 1984.

  7. #43

    Default Re: 2004: Rate Julie Simon-Dronet's job performance


    You are missing the point. I am not discussing the name, but rather the thought that the name is holding UL back in athletics. To blame any shortcomings in athletics on the city tag is dumb. As I stated earlier, FAU has done just fine with the ocean tag in their name.

  8. #44

    Default Re: 2004: Rate Julie Simon-Dronet's job performance

    Also, is the university required to use the city tag in athletics? I thought it was only on official correspondence, etc... What legally prevents the athletic department from marketing itself using the UL or Louisiana tags? It seems this is done already, just not consistently.

    Just win. That will take care of peripheral issues like the one being discussed here.

  9. #45

    Default Re: 2004: Rate Julie Simon-Dronet's job performance

    Quote Originally Posted by User_Name View Post
    _ Louisiana84,

    You are missing the point. This isn't a discussion about the name, but rather one about the name holding UL back. To blame any shortcomings in athletics on the city tag is dumb. As I stated earlier, FAU has done just fine with the ocean tag in their name. _
    While I agree with you that the name change has nothing to do with the failure of athletics, you might want to do your homework on the Sun Belt. FAU is among a hand full of schools to ask the Sun Belt office to refer to them by a particular name. They have asked not to be called "Florida Atlantic", but FAU in all sport references. So names are a important part of a marketing strategy for sport programs, and not just the Cajuns in the Sun Belt.

  10. #46

    Default Re: 2004: Rate Julie Simon-Dronet's job performance


    I think most all schools ask to be referred to a specific way, be it Georgia Tech, Troy, Rutgers, etc... Sure it is a part of the marketing strategy, but meaningless without winning.

    Again, I thought the athletic department is not bound to the city tag...

  11. #47

    Default Re: 2004: Rate Julie Simon-Dronet's job performance

    Quote Originally Posted by User_Name View Post
    _ CajunT,

    I think most all schools ask to be referred to a specific way, be it Georgia Tech, Troy, Rutgers, etc... Sure it is a part of the marketing strategy, but meaningless without winning.

    Again, I thought the athletic department is not bound to the city tag... _
    Their biggest hurdle is the lack of consistency in implementing the “Louisiana’s Ragin’Cajuns” request to media and the Sun Belt office. When our Adiministration learns to be consistent on that marketing strategy, then we will stop shooting ourselves in the foot. But winning is without a doubt the most important factor in sports marketing.

  12. #48

    Default Re: 2004: Rate Julie Simon-Dronet's job performance

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    Their biggest hurdle is the lack of consistency in implementing the “Louisiana’s Ragin’Cajuns” request to media and the Sun Belt office. When our Adiministration learns to be consistent on that marketing strategy, then we will stop shooting ourselves in the foot. But winning is without a doubt the most important factor in sports marketing.
    "Louisiana's" is bush league and needs to go as well.

    Asked to be called Louisiana or UL, nothing else.

    Market yourself as Louisiana or UL, nothing else.

    Produce clothing and other stuff with Louisiana or UL, nothing else.

    This ain't hard.

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