Turbine, that is like asking why a business should expect and need to make more money now than it did 10 years ago. Costs go up yearly. This is the cycle of everything in our daily lives. What did gas cost in 2001? What did a gallon of milk cost 10 years ago. I know these examples are just that and they have absolutely no bearing on this conversation but the point is everything cost wise goes up, typically on a linear pattern. Coaching Salaries is one cost, to answer your question, that has and will continue to go up. Travel costs also continue to go up. Do you think it is easier or more difficult to fly these days than it was ? Have airlines gone up on cost and down on features of what they offer? Of course. We are thinking just football. Every sport has economical costs that continue to inflate yearly and we must be able to budget for that. Also, the cost of operating on this level have also gone up. The statute is set for teams such as UL to have to make upgrades and compete facility wise for athletes that a lot of other schools are doing the same. I also think that the current administration has done a better job of soliciting funds and Gerald Hebert has worked tirelessly in recent years to get donors to cooperate. I also think the move of Dr. A out of office has loosened the reigns that many donors held tight until he was out of office like the Herb Schillings etc.. who were put off by him and his lack of cooperation. It is careless on our part to not consider the economics of the current athletic landscape and realize that we have to invest in our programs before we can see the payoffs.