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Thread: Louisiana Gators go way back at Cypress Lake

  1. #13

    Default Re: Gator forces closure around Cypress Swamp

    Quote Originally Posted by RedBug58 View Post
    We were out there a few weeks ago and saw the alligator crushing all of the folage down right next to the chain link fence. You could go right up to the fence, within a few inchs of the critter and watch it build the nest. It was an unusual sight. We were thinking when the little ones hatched they could easily crawl right through the fence. Has this ever happened before in Cypress Lake??
    Not sure but what will they(UL) do with all those lil gators? Will they watch them grow up and shoot a reality show called, "All dem lil Gator Pups." or shoot a new series of Swamp People Cajun Style on The Louisiana Swamp!!! And you could hear Troy say, "Choot em Katheryn, Choot em!!!"

  2. Default Re: Gator forces closure around Cypress Swamp

    Look but don’t touch.

    That’s what University of Louisiana officials are asking of students and onlookers eager to catch a glimpse of a mama alligator guarding a nest of eggs on campus.

    She laid the eggs close to a sidewalk bordering Cypress Lake, which is actually a wetland managed by the University.

    The area’s been closed off for the gator’s safety and to protect the eggs, said Joey Pons, director of Environmental Health and Safety at UL.

    He consulted with Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries officials, who assured him the alligator can’t bite through a chain link fence it is nested behind.

    “For safety’s sake, because it’s so close to a high traffic area, we called wildlife officials and they’ve assured us she won’t get aggressive unless provoked or threatened,” Pons said. “We just ask that onlookers respect the natural process.”

    Pons estimated the eggs, first noticed last week, should hatch in about seven weeks.

    “We’re not sure how many there are, but wildlife officials said there could be as many as 100 here and it takes 60 days for the eggs to incubate.”

    UL Press

  3. #15

    Default Re: Gator forces closure around Cypress Swamp

    I like learning facts about wildlife like 100 eggs at a time, not many survive, 60 days to hatch, kinda like the wild kingdom at UL.

  4. #16

    Default Re: Gator forces closure around Cypress Swamp

    Uniquely cool aspect of our University.

  5. Default Re: Gator forces closure around Cypress Swamp

    . . . and somehow they let a Peter Piper research firm pick a pepper over a Bull Gator and Gator.

  6. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    . . . and somehow they let a Peter Piper research firm pick a pepper a pepper over a Bull Gator and Gator
    Make this momma gator our mascot!

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by nathancpike View Post
    Make this momma gator our mascot!
    "Anna" ... I wonder who the lucky Louis is?

    ps Other options Ana or iAna. I wish I knew how to reverse engineer a name.

  8. #20

    Default Re: Gator forces closure around Cypress Swamp

    Quote Originally Posted by DaddyCajun View Post
    60 days to hatch, kinda like the wild kingdom at UL.
    Just in time for the first UL home game at The Swamp.

  9. #21

    Default Re: Gator forces closure around Cypress Swamp

    UL needs to get an alligator wrangler, and round the gator up and parade the gator around the swamp before home games.

  10. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    "Anna" ... I wonder who the lucky Louis is?

    ps Other options Ana or iAna. I wish I knew how to reverse engineer a name.
    Use the alligator as our mascot. One Named Louie and the other Ana. Great costumes like the one worn at the World''s Fair in New Orleans years ago. Just another way to tie us into the Louisiana name along with the tradition of the on-campus swamp and Cajun Field "Swamp". Also a perfect match for our moniker Ragin Cajuns.

  11. Default Re: Gator forces closure around Cypress Swamp

    From 2011 I wonder which one is Louis & Ana ?

    Quote Originally Posted by HelmutVII View Post
    A little fun.

    Two Cypress Lake Gators.


    Cypress Lake gator chillin out.


    Cypress Lake Gator with some friends.


    Geaux Cajuns

  12. #24

    Default Re: Gator forces closure around Cypress Swamp

    Quote Originally Posted by DaddyCajun View Post
    I like learning facts about wildlife like 100 eggs at a time, not many survive, 60 days to hatch, kinda like the wild kingdom at UL.

    I don't know how long it's been since the eggs were laid, but I know it's been close to a couple months since I saw the gator first making the nest. We could have baby gators hatching very close to the time that school starts. This could get interesting. Here is a little more info.

    The incubation period of alligator eggs is approximately 65 days. During this time the female alligator stays on the alert to guard her nest against intruders. Raccoons are notorious nest raiders, and have been known to completely destroy a nest.

    Alligator eggs begin to hatch in August through September, during which time the baby alligators make-high pitched grunting noises to alert the mother gator. The female alligator will then uncover the nest to release the babies. Some females have even been known to carry their young to the water in their jaws, and are likely to remain with their brood for many months.

    Get ready for the "Baby Gator Invasion"

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