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Thread: It's Not Algae at the Swamp

  1. Default

    If you go by The Swamp on the University of Louisiana campus it looks like a plush algae carpet.

    It's not.

    It is however being overrun by a hyperactive aquatic plant known as Salvinia minima Baker otherwise known as Water Spangles.

    You can see the Water Spangles in the 1st picture below, taken at Cypress Swamp when the thickness of growth was about half what it is at the moment.

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  2. #2

    This is so COOL

    Looks like a job for Cajunbot. This swamp is too dangerous for students and employees to labor in.

  3. Default

    Originally posted by cajun_express
    Looks like a job for Cajunbot. This swamp is too dangerous for students and employees to labor in.
    LOL If you can't see the hazards, here is a zoom view.
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  4. Default

    Yes I have noticed that this stuff is growing at an excellerated rate as of late. Wonder what causes it as I don't seem to remember it from my trips to the Swamp in 1995

  5. Default

    Is that the same as duckweed?

  6. Default

    I think it is a species that originated in Japan. It was a fluke that it got to North America (bottom of a boat or something?) The conditions here make it grow in overdrive.

  7. Default

    The good news is . . .

    Unlike many aquatic plant of similar type, Salvinia minima Baker is non toxic. It makes me wonder if they could turn this stuff into a cash crop.?

    I mean this stuff can multiply, just the other day they removed a truckload of the Water Spangle yet the swamp is already as thick as I have ever seen it..

    The 2nd picture is of a young'un at the Swamp. For size comparisons the Water Spangle leaves are about 1/2 inch or less in length.

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    Geaux Cajuns

  8. Default

    I've been by Cypress Lake several times over the summer semester and their are several "young uns" running around. I believe we counted at least 8 that must have been born recently.

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