Still time to bid, 50 minutes left in the auction!
Link directly to auction items!
If you miss out on this helmet and the 100+ items, no worries!
You can still be a part of the David Trosclair Memorial Scholarship Fund
Donations in any amount are being accepted, your generosity and thoughtfulness are truly appreciated by the Trosclair family and the Kinesiology Department who are mourning the loss of David, who passed away on August 30, 2010.
If you are interested in partnering with us to honor this extraordinary young man and his accomplishments, you may make your tax deductible check payable to the "UL Lafayette Foundation" with a note in the memo section stating that the money is for the David Trosclair Memorial Scholarship Fund. Please know that no contribution is too small or too big. You may send all donations to:
Adele Bulliard
Director of Scholarships
P.O. Box 44050
Lafayette, LA 70504-4050
God Bless and thank you all!