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Thread: Flagship Fund

  1. #13

    Default Re: Flagship Fund

    sounds like the seedy doctors, lawyers, and politicians who back LSU, yes these grown men wear purple, are kicking this thing into overdrive. I wonder how far things will go until the NCAA steps in and starts to investigate. SMU was the last death penalty, it will be interesting to see if all this back room dealing and underhanded tricks go unnoticed by the NCAA. Honestly, when you have a state basicly all to yourself recruiting and funding wise, what else is there to cry about? Quoting Gordon Gekko, "Greed, Gentleman for the lack of a better word, is good." Too much is a bad thing, I see this greed coming back to bite LSU in the keester. If it happens I will dance in the streets as will all other UL, Mcneese, La Tech, ULM, and Tulane fans who have been oppressed for a long time by the _______ university. no thats not a typo. Geaux cajuns!!!!

  2. #14

    Default Re: Flagship Fund

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    sounds like the seedy doctors, lawyers, and politicians who back LSU, yes these grown men wear purple, are kicking this thing into overdrive. I wonder how far things will go until the NCAA steps in and starts to investigate. SMU was the last death penalty, it will be interesting to see if all this back room dealing and underhanded tricks go unnoticed by the NCAA. Honestly, when you have a state basicly all to yourself recruiting and funding wise, what else is there to cry about? Quoting Gordon Gekko, "Greed, Gentleman for the lack of a better word, is good." Too much is a bad thing, I see this greed coming back to bite LSU in the keester. If it happens I will dance in the streets as will all other UL, Mcneese, La Tech, ULM, and Tulane fans who have been oppressed for a long time by the _______ university. no thats not a typo. Geaux cajuns!!!!
    Um, there is no current plan afoot.

    If you read the first post, it was dated in 2004. Some one dug it up because of comments made by T. Joe Savoie in his capacity has Commissioner of Higher Education as if to question Savioe's committment to UL.

    Make no mistake, T. Joe was wearing his Commissioner hat when he made those comments. And he was stating the obvious, that LSU is the de jure (not just de facto) flagship.

    But it doesn't mean that: a) he likes it and b) that he won't do anything and everything he can to advance the university.

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