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Thread: 2010: Due to Midday Heat Louisiana Moves Game Time Back Where it Belongs

  1. #121

    Default Re: UL Changes Game Time for Fans, Players, Band and You

    Quote Originally Posted by SlappyCajun View Post
    _ You want a lawsuit. A kid's high school coach in Kentucky is facing criminal negligent homicide charges for letting his kids practice in a heat index of 94 degrees. Those are criminal charges. You want to guess how much the civil suit against the school district will be, probably millions. That is at 24 degrees cooler than game time on Saturday.

    Cajun T said half of the recruits who attended the game left at halftime, because it was so hot. Wow, TV is great for recruiting. But the kids who are at the game on their official visit are walking out of the stadium. The kid gets to campus and doesn't even watch the team that is recruiting him play because it is so hot.

    I will openly admit that I wrote a letter to Wright Waters. This is a scheduling blunder of epic proportions on his part. You know Sunbelt games will get pushed to 2:30, don't schedule one the first week of September in Lafayette, LA.

    Do you think it is a good idea, for college athletes to be playing football in full pads in a heat index of 120 degrees? That's what our guys are doing. Heat related deaths in football are becoming an epidemic. It is not analogous to a plane crash or car wreck. As a passenger, you cannot mitigate the odds of an accident. As a university with the responsibility of your student athletes, if you march them into full pads into a 118 degree heat index you will be held liable, all day every day in court for negligence. Then, we will definitely need the RCAF to foot that bill. Its not safe.

    Not that I really care about the fans, I feel like they could have stuck out the heat. But a family with young kids or elderly fans are not coming to the game, it's as simple as that. Also, all the great exposure we got on TV is BS. The game was filmed from the home side and the entire 2nd half there we broadcast what appeared to the viewing public that we had absolutely zero fan support. It was an empty stadium. We should have begged Tech to use their tarps.

    All you macho guys who think regional TV coverage is so important, and fans should touch it out good for you. However, with our product on the field, we need to place it to get as many fans into the building as possible.

    My 2 cents. _
    I agree with Scott, people complaining about the heat is bs. Go to any high school in the area around 3:00 this afternoon and see how many of them are practicing football. I bet all of them and we do not hear about kids collapsing. Also, when do the cajuns hold their daily practices?

    Sure it is hotter on the artificial turf... but lets blame that on the admin.

    The issue is that people do not adequately hydrate themselves and thus the problem.

  2. #122

    Default Re: UL Changes Game Time for Fans, Players, Band and You

    Quote Originally Posted by cajun_civil View Post
    _ I agree with Scott, people complaining about the heat is bs. Go to any high school in the area around 3:00 this afternoon and see how many of them are practicing football. I bet all of them and we do not hear about kids collapsing. Also, when do the cajuns hold their daily practices?

    Sure it is hotter on the artificial turf... but lets blame that on the admin.

    The issue is that people do not adequately hydrate themselves and thus the problem. _
    Practice is different than a game. A player will push the limit much more in a game. He will ignore the signs his body is giving him. And with the heat in that turf, it is not safe. Did u see how many of the players cramped up. And that ArkSt player that looked like he passed out? Trust me, Those players struggled. I'll happily give up a TV game if it means the possibility of a player dying is lowered and the recruits that actually attend the game (which are probably the ones more interested in the program) have a more enjoyable experience.

  3. Default Re: UL Changes Game Time for Fans, Players, Band and You

    Quote Originally Posted by cajun_civil View Post
    _ I agree with Scott, people complaining about the heat is bs. Go to any high school in the area around 3:00 this afternoon and see how many of them are practicing football. I bet all of them and we do not hear about kids collapsing. Also, when do the cajuns hold their daily practices?

    Sure it is hotter on the artificial turf... but lets blame that on the admin.

    The issue is that people do not adequately hydrate themselves and thus the problem. _
    Your points are valid but remember The Swamp is 2 feet below sea level. Basically a self contained hole in the ground.

    High school stadiums are above ground venues with flow through ventilation.

    Back to hole in the ground… ever been to an old fashioned boucherie? There is a reason they cook the pig in a pit, it holds the heat.

    Geaux Cajuns

  4. Default 2010 Louisiana listens to cool voice of reason by refusing to move game

    The Ragin' Cajuns were scheduled to play in Lafayette at 2:30 p.m. Saturday against Middle Tennessee State. The game had been moved from its original 6 p.m. slot to fill the broadcast window of the Sun Belt Network.

    . every once in a while, a brave soul manages to restore a sense of perspective to athletics, as was the case recently with my new favorite athletic director, a man who said no to television and was not struck by lightning.

    link broken

    By KEVIN SHERRINGTON / The Dallas Morning News
    Homes SO Clean

  5. #125

    Default Re: Louisiana listens to cool voice of reason by refusing to move game

    Good praise for the AD and the department. I still think this was a good decision.

  6. #126

    Default Re: Louisiana listens to cool voice of reason by refusing to move game

    "The following Monday, he called the conference office to talk to Wright Waters. The commissioner didn't need much of an explanation. Waters had observed the game from the Swamp's press box, where it was reportedly 90 degrees all day."
    This isn't correct, Wright Waters fought the decision. I'm not sure how he came to this conclussion without talking to Waters.

  7. #127

    Default Re: Louisiana listens to cool voice of reason by refusing to move game

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    This isn't correct, Wright Waters fought the decision. I'm not sure how he came to this conclussion without talking to Waters. _
    I presume the writer came to his conclusion about the Commissioner's stance after talking to Mr. Walker. David probably wanted to make it appear there was early consensus on the decision in order not to cast the Commissioner in a negative light in the press. That probably was an agreed to plan after the decision was made. The probable sceneario was that David told Wright who really runs the show here and he had no choice but to agree. Now, let's have fans show up and let's win the game. We did give up an advantage for our players with this move and hopefully they will be supported as a result.

  8. #128

    Default Re: Louisiana listens to cool voice of reason by refusing to move game

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    _ "The following Monday, he called the conference office to talk to Wright Waters. The commissioner didn't need much of an explanation. Waters had observed the game from the Swamp's press box, where it was reportedly 90 degrees all day."

    This isn't correct, Wright Waters fought the decision. I'm not sure how he came to this conclussion without talking to Waters. _
    I heard Wright Waters was an A-hole about it.

  9. #129

    Default Re: Louisiana listens to cool voice of reason by refusing to move game

    Quote Originally Posted by SlappyCajun View Post
    _ I heard Wright Waters was an A-hole about it. _
    Memoranda of Understanding.

  10. #130

    Default Re: Louisiana listens to cool voice of reason by refusing to move game

    "On a Saturday night in Lafayette, there isn't a wealth of entertainment options."

    Young grasshopper has much to learn doesn't he? It's a common misconception that most find pleasantly surprising

  11. #131

    Default Re: Louisiana listens to cool voice of reason by refusing to move game

    Yeah, the guy didn't do any research about Lafayette but he does say nice things so it's cool.

  12. #132

    Default Re: Louisiana listens to cool voice of reason by refusing to move game

    Thank God this game wasn't on TV.

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