Beau, I really mean no offense, but you have generalized, with the term "tree hugging nature freaks", a very large portion of the population who wish to green up the enviroment.
Take myself for instance. If their is something I can do through recycling, utilizing products that prove to be safe to the enviroment, utilizing means to produce needed electricity and power that lessen the strain on producing the product, and in general appreciating nature for what it is worth to mankind and the world, does that make me a tree hugging freak?
Let it be known that I am an outdoorist. Until old age infirmities lessended my hunting and fishing expeditions, I was in the fields, woods, and on the waters as often as I could do so. Let it also be known that as I aged I never harvested any wildlife or fish in excess of the limits stated in the law. I enjoyed harvesting these creatures because I enjoyed being in the outdoors, and most of all because I enjoyed the culinary delights they provided.
Let it be known that I fail to understand those that abuse hunting privileges and those that ruin the enviroment for profit. It is then that my "tree hugging" instincts come to the fore. I believe that there is a balance that can be achieved between users and those who wish to preserve nature for its beauty and importance in the enviroment. We simply have to work together to achieve this balance.
So, there are those of us who can be "tree huggers" and still see a place for all of those who enjoy nature and its benefits. Hopefully it translates into a benefit for all of mankind.