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Thread: The Glenn Cyprien File ...

  1. #25


    Guru has enough backbone to speak for himself, but he I can affirm he does not have an ax to grind. He has legitmate concerns. I find myself at odds with him on this. If there was anything the NCAA would have nailed him.

    I find it interesting that some of you find Cyp's comments less than full disclosure while giving weight to a person claiming to be a NCAA criminal. I might receommend to you that V. has failed to provide one iota of evidence. He won't name names other than Cyp and the head coach. Maybe because he cannot.

    His insurance company clearly paid a lot of money to somebody for his rates to skyrocket. Guess what? Auto insurance companies do not pay money especially libiality claims on vehicles that are driven by people that do not have the specific or implied permission of the insured. I could go into this at great lenght, lets just say I spent 20 plus years doing this type of work.

    This sounds like sour grapes to me.

  2. #26


    Guru, I must confess that if this hire is correctly reported we can do nothing, and I see no point in gossip and conjecture. This will only poison the water without doing one positive thing. I guess if he is not an upfront guy you can always say look I told you guys back on 5/3/04 he was a concern, but what good does that do?

  3. #27


    Originally posted by firstandlast
    Try This is my first and only post. I have been reading you for along time. I know enough about this program to know that this is just wrong. Coach Lee truly deserved this job.
    I can understand your feelings. Coach Lee would have been my choice as well. On the other hand I hold UL above any one individual including Nelson, and Dr. Authement. I will support the hire, and if he stumbles in ability I will support that as well just as I would have coach Lee. If he turns out to lack integrity that is the standard in the NCAA I will attack the hire. Until then this sounds like sour grapes, and the collective we know better. I suggest the collective we had no concensus pick.

  4. Default

    Originally posted by cajun_express
    ...I find it interesting that some of you find Cyp's comments less than full disclosure while giving weight to a person claiming to be a NCAA criminal...
    I think Cyp disclosed more than enough when he said the report was nameless (on him), which implies blameless.

    The full disclosure heading simply has to do with getting this answered sooner (before the hiring) rather than some later date.

  5. #29


    Originally posted by CajunCharlie
    So how would you have liked the phrase to be worded, Turbine? All of this post selection information being offered by Guru does in fact smack of sour grapes. I can understand being disappointed that Robert Lee was not selected to be the head coach. I am somewhat disappointed myself, but to bring this incident to the table after Cyprien was selected appears to be a cheap shot. Why wait so late? Why wasn't this posted when his name surfaced as a candidate?
    CajunCharlie, cheap shot no! The facts yes!

    "Why wait so late?" Because the more I searched,the more I found. Why not put all the information out in the interest of full disclosure? I'm simply putting out the information for discussion that should have been laid on the table since his named surfaced. Again, I never said the guy was guilty, but this is part of his resume. I'm not a kool-aid drinker!

  6. #30



    Registered: Jan 2004
    Posts: 28

    "Cajun Guru get a life? You are ready to convict this coach before he has been convicted of doing any thing wrong."

    I'm simply laying out information that should have been
    discussed along with his resume. There is nothing wrong with looking at all information in regards to an applicants background. The information is now on the table for discussion and you can either reject it or consider it. Another kool-aid drinker!

  7. Default sour grapes

    It is my understanding that none of this is news to Nelson, he has researched it and found that Cyprien was not guilty of any violations -

    Give him some credit, he would not put himself on the line with an important hire without doing his homework and getting the end of the story as well as the allegations that you posted.

    Lets all get behind Cyprien and the Cajun program. Let him enjoy his day tomorrow.

    PS. While doing your homework, how about looking up implicated (v. implacated) in the dictionary.

  8. #32


    Originally posted by vatican
    Give him some credit, he would not put himself on the line with an important hire without doing his homework and getting the end of the story as well as the allegations that you posted.
    That's not my point. This information should have been put out there in the interest of full discloser. The information is now on the table for all to disect. Now, I will support this guy and hope to be there Wednesday to hear his press conference in person.

    "PS. While doing your homework, how about looking up implicated (v. implacated) in the dictionary."

    I spell well enought to get my point out.But,I couldn't find Kool-Aid drinker.Thanks for helping out on that one.

  9. #33


    How many of us knew who Ricky Bustle was when we were looking for a football coach? I didn't know much about him and he wasn't the guy that I was hopeing for at the time. It's the same thing with Cyprien. He's not the guy that I was wanting, but what the heck do I know. I didn't interview any of these guys. Every one of us had a favorite. The decision has been made by the people who are paid to make these type of decisions. It's time for us "fans" to get on board and support the new coach.
    Thank you "cajun express" for you "clear headed" comments.

  10. #34


    Well said redbug. Go Cajuns in 2004!

  11. #35

    UL Basketball

    Agreed. Let's support our university. I don't know what went on in the hiring. Cyprien has very good coaching experience & he is from Louisana. Maybe he'll make it his home again for long time. Just like a couple of previous post, I hope it's not a step on the ladder in the near future for him to go to another program. I feel for Coach Lee. I think he or Ricky Broussard would have been good choices.

  12. #36


    I would certainly hope that Robert Lee is offered a pay increase as well. It sounds like he deserves it.


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