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Thread: The Glenn Cyprien File ...

  1. #145


    You must still be a child. Beryl Shipley was the best thing to happen to UL in Basketball, but he is to old and is probably banned from coaching at UL or any other university. Keep the spirit up.

  2. Default

    Originally posted by USLJIM
    Has anyone found out how many hours he lacked to finish.
    It was 8 at the time, some may not carry over, he would probably need more today.

  3. Default

    Originally posted by USLJIM
    You must still be a child. Beryl Shipley was the best thing to happen to UL in Basketball, but he is too old and is probably banned from coaching at UL or any other university. Keep the spirit up.
    Funny you say that, I thought the same thing and said so on Thinking out Loud. In a perfect world "Cyprien would high tail it to class, and ask Coach Lee for a job as an assistant next season. And for this year Coach Lee would hire Beryl Shipley as an assistant.

    It sure would do wonders for his pension and Cyprien's reputation in the long run.

    ps just dreaming

  4. UL Basketball Can anyone tell me how the Picayune got the Nelson Schexnayder story?

    How does a local Lafayette (UL) story get picked up first by a New Orleans paper?

  5. #149


    TP says it received an anyonomous(sp?) tip.

  6. Default Re: Can anyone tell me how the Picayune got the Nelson Schexnayder story?

    Originally posted by ChanceEncounter
    How does a local Lafayette (UL) story get picked up first by a New Orleans paper?
    First of all it is the Glynn Cyprien Story not the Nelson Schexnayder story. But what we really have wrong is we all act like this story is from out of the blue. The issue of fake degrees has been festering for some time world wide and was in the news a lot lately.

    I think some curious dog decided to investigate recent hires, including the Grambling coach which incidentally the Daily Advertiser was among the first to break.

    I think since the issue was frontal lobe material, it caused someone to dig into Cypriens past. Ironically coach Spears of Grambling was cleared the same day/night the Glynn Cyprien story broke.

    Geaux Cajuns

  7. Default Re: Re: Can anyone tell me how the Picayune got the Nelson Schexnayder story?

    Originally posted by Turbine
    First of all it is the Glynn Cyprien Story not the Nelson Schexnayder story.
    Ye thanks for the correction. The Glynn Cyprien Story that Nelson Schexnayder made famous. jk

    So what you are saying is the New Orleans paper just stumbled bumbled its way into a scoop? I think someone didn't trust the locals.

  8. Default

    The National Student Clearinghouse has a web page called the Hall of Shame. Right now it has Cyprien as the newest example and O'leary as the oldest.

    Here is a time line on perhaps how the Times Picayune could have come up with the story on its own, without some sort of deep throat.

    May 4, 2004
    The SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER ran a story on Some using fake degrees to get pay raises.
    LINK it's a PDF file

    May 10, 2004
    CBS was running stories about Top Government Officials Hold Fake Degrees

    June 25, 2004
    Chronicle of Higher Education reports Tulane released Mr. del Corral, a Tulane instructor who recieved his degree in the same suspicious manner as Glynn Cyprien

    July 4, 2004
    Great Britton was awash with warnings and stories of fake degrees. "Fake degrees to be investigated"

    July 5, 2004
    UK Warning on Fake degrees

    July 8, 2004
    (Advertiser website says July 9 search engine recorded July 8th)
    Either way the Daily Advertiser was either among the first two or the first group to break the Spears Grambling story
    Advertiser story

    July 8, 2004
    ESPN was the other source to break the potential Grambling Spears controversy on the 8th

    July 9, 2004
    Times Picayune, LA -
    Grambling coach must explain resume discrepancy

    July 15, 2004
    The Times Picayune reports: Grambling coach explains discrepancy

    July 15, 2004
    Very late that night late The Times Picayune web site ran a blurb called Tommorows news Today
    New UL coach lacks requisite degree
    N.O. native graduated from unaccredited online university
    I can see a sequence of events leading up to July 15th that might make a reporter want to dig deeper into recent hires. That is all I am saying.

  9. #153


    Turbine, maybe it came from a UFO hovering over the T-P's offices. Somebody put the idea in the writer's head just like last year when somebody put the idea that Chris Duhon, Brandon Bass and Anthony Johnson were all guilty of something in their other writer's head.

  10. Ragin' Cajuns Cyprien Parallel

    Glynn Cyprien situation parallels Tulane business instructior, leading to del Corral's firing from Tulane.

    NEW ORLEANS Tulane University has fired a business instructor after finding out he had a doctoral degree from the same unaccredited online college that caused the downfall of a University of Louisiana at Lafayette basketball coach.

    Wayne del Corral taught at Tulane's A-B Freeman School of Business but got his doctoral degree from Lacrosse University, an institution which moved to Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, after it was unable to gain accreditation in Louisiana.

    Last month, Louisiana-Lafayette fired Glynn Cyprien, the then-newly hired basketball coach, after discovering he had two degrees from Lacrosse.

    The Chronicle of Higher Education first reported on del Corral's degree on June 25th as part of a report on "the diploma mill industry."

    In del Corral's case, he completed the course work for his doctorate at L-S-U. But in the late 1990s, he says his professors moved to other universities, which meant he would have had to form a new faculty committee and defend his dissertation before people unfamiliar with his work.

    So he contacted Lacrosse. He says the school granted credit for his L-S-U course work, and he submitted his dissertation on how earnings reports released after stock markets close for the day affect market volatility.

    James McFarland, dean of Tulane's business school, says news of del Corral's Lacrosse degree caught them by surprise. He says the situation is unfortunate, but they've fixed it.

    The source of the story

    Must see Time Line

  11. What a Downer Former UL basketball coach sues college

    (AP) — The former Louisiana basketball coach who was fired for listing a degree on his resume which he did not have has sued the Louisiana college, a newspaper reported on Sunday.

    Glynn Cyprien contends the school lacked justification to fire him on July 19. Cyprien is suing for breach of contract, defamation of character and loss of future wages, The Oklahoman newspaper reported in its Sunday editions.

    Cyprien was an assistant basketball coach at Oklahoma State for four seasons before signing in May a five-year deal with ULL worth $170,000 a season.

    Cyprien was fired after UL officials found out that Cyprien did not have a bachelor's degree from an accredited university.

    According to Cyprien, he was on the road for OSU and instructed someone at OSU to get a resume from his desk and fax it to ULL. He admits that resume faxed to ULL officials was inaccurate, listing a bachelor's degree from Texas-San Antonio.

    But Cyprien said that the following week, when he interviewed by ULL athletic director Nelson Schexnayder, he presented Schexnayder with a resume that listed his bachelor's and master's degrees from Lacrosse, an online school in Bay St. Louis, Miss., which is not recognized by the major accreditation agencies.

    "I'm taking the blame. But at no time did I try to deceive them because when I sat down with him I gave him the proper resume with my updated information," Cyprien told the newspaper.

    "The only resume I saw had Lacrosse and Texas-San Antonio on it. I never saw a resume that had only Lacrosse," Schexnayder said.

    The lawsuit also contends Cyprien was hired as an unclassified employee, which he said did not require him to have a degree from an accredited university.

    But Schexnayder said all athletic personnel, whether equipment managers or coaches, must have a degree from a school recognized by the Southern Association of Colleges.

    During the recent fall semester, Cyprien completed his degree at UT-San Antonio.

    The rest of the story

    Homes SO Clean

  12. #156


    Somehow I knew this was coming.......

    Here we go again....

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