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Thread: The Glenn Cyprien File ...

  1. #109


    Un-freaking-believable! Just as things begin to look up for the team this happens. I concur with the assessment that NS did NOT do his job on this one. Show me the transcript! If its that big a deal that the degree is a pre-req, then make sure its accurate. You would think this would be an easy thing for an institution of higher learning to determine! Fortunetly, Lee was retained and the program can move forward without too many more distractions.

  2. Default

    Originally posted by shof
    Un-freaking-believable! . . . Fortunetly, Lee was retained and the program can move forward without too many more distractions.
    How fortunate we are, I can't think of a better outcome to a very bad situation.

  3. UL Basketball You Nkow What This Means

    Instead of me saying ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~. I will instead take the high road. Glynn Cyprien was an intermezzo coach, probably the best available, he did some amazing things in the past few months. But forget him like a bad scene, it's time to back coach Lee 100 percent!!! All the way to the big show baby.

  4. #112



  5. #113


    110% UNACCEPTABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. #114


    When in trouble.....
    When in doubt....
    Run in circles....
    Scream & shout....

    We won't miss a beat

    Coach Lee has already hit the ground running.....

  7. #115


    I wish I shared your optimism.

    Coach Lee has been very loyal to this university, and he has earned a chance to coach our team. But to be honest with you I don’t have as much confidence in him as I did with Glenn Cyprien. I have never met him or watched practices, so the only thing I have to go off of is his resume, which is not as impressive as Cyprien’s. So no, I’m not too optimistic.

    Nelson really shot the basketball program in the foot here. The average guy form Lafayette is going to look at this and say “well there goes the good coach, and I guess they had to hurry up and replace him with #2.” Don’t count on any preseason hype, or good attendance. This team will have to prove itself all over again. Just like last year.

  8. #116


    I like you am going to take the high road.

    #&$^)$*^& and ^*#&( the #*@*&$ $(^&$(^!!!!!!
    Sorry, couldn’t help myself.

    Ok, starting right now, I am going to take the high road.

  9. Default

    That egg will be very hard to get off your face Nelson. He made the hire and he is to blame, period.

  10. #118


    And just a side note, the Advertiser online has nothing about this situation. WHAT A SURPRISE. That paper isn't worth ~~~~ I'd rather read the Enquirer.

  11. #119


    Sorry for coach Cyp I met him at his basketball camp and he seemed to be all he was made up to be! I wish him well!

    Coach Lee, I will back 100%,and do so starting off with Purchasing a 5th seat for Basketball this year!!!
    20% increase in attendance would be nice don't you think!!!!!

  12. #120


    Like we said in the Army, Adapt and Overcome!!!! We will get by this and Hopefully Cyp does also, he is a good man, just made a poor decision.

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