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Thread: A 'Two Hot' Spicy Combo: University of Louisiana and Tabasco®

  1. #61

    UL 1984, 1999 . . . . pARTNERSHIP ?????

    Think the partnership is great, but who is reviewing and Oking the signs?

    UL LAFAYETTE Com'on now. Looks like lswho still has a say in everything we do

    We are LOUISIANA

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  2. #62

    Default Re: A 'Two Hot' Spicy Combo: University of Louisiana and Tabasco®

    Looks like I will be making a trip to the island tomorrow to see if they have shirts at the country store. I bought one last year that was the Tabasco logo with Ragin Cajuns in it.

  3. #63

    Default Re: University of Louisiana to Announce Partnership with Tabasco®

    Just wanted to stop by and give my congratulations. This is a great pick up for your school and makes sense. Good partnership. I know we don't always see eye to eye on things, but had to give credit where credit is due.

  4. #64

    Default Re: University of Louisiana to Announce Partnership with Tabasco®

    I think the important thing is if the sales of the merchandise really takes off it will show other sponsors that there is a major benefit with aligning itself with UL. The university more sponsors and larger commitments if things like this are successful. I plan to buy a couple of these shirts. They are really nice.

  5. #65

    Default Re: University of Louisiana to Announce Partnership with Tabasco®

    Quote Originally Posted by ATXCajun View Post
    _ As Bustle would say, "No question. No question." Getting ahead of ourselves a bit, but think about what happened at Louisville and how fast it happened when Papa John's started spending money over there. _
    As long as you hitch your wagon to the right star. Look at Troy and Movie Gallery stadium. Yeah that is going great. I know Movie Gallery stores are closing at a rapid rate. I think Tabasco is a bit recession proof.

  6. #66

    Default Re: University of Louisiana to Announce Partnership with Tabasco®

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunMarine81 View Post
    _ my wife took this picture and sent it to me _
    not bad but what's up with the yellow? that isn't a color of either company..

  7. #67

    Default Re: University of Louisiana to Announce Partnership with Tabasco®

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    _ As long as you hitch your wagon to the right star. Look at Troy and Movie Gallery stadium. Yeah that is going great. I know Movie Gallery stores are closing at a rapid rate. I think Tabasco is a bit recession proof. _
    As long as jarheads have to eat C-Rats (or now-a-days MRE's) Tabasco wil be in business. A good way to determine which units were getting ready to head to the field was to watch who was stocking up on Tabasco at the PX.

  8. #68
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: University of Louisiana to Announce Partnership with Tabasco®

    Quote Originally Posted by ATXCajun View Post
    _ I don't think anyone is predicting or expecting anything. It is clear that the deal simply involves a logo on a bottle, a beer coozie, and a mouse pad (so far, looking at their web store). I think we are just wishfully thinking about future possibilities. It's called "hope." Hope turns to action and then you have an indoor practice facility. Hope keeps this board alive. _
    You are right... regardless of how simple the initial "product" of this new arrangement is... it is quite possible it will grow into a more substantial relationship... at least in terms of what it brings to UL. It can also bring in many more groups (including disconnected alumni) that see good reasons to be involved with UL, for their own good. When people see new things happening, it might only make them curious... but that is better than the apathy we've experienced in the past.

    I see this as one of the best corporate ties for UL. Tabasco not only fits so uniquely with UL in a number of ways... an issue that sometimes has no relevance in many university-corporate relationships (money being the only common denominator) Tabasco is a long established, clean image, brand identifiable giant, and despite how it fires up the taste buds, it maintains a quiet respectful fun approach to marketing. They also seem to be willing to explore new avenues for products and sales in the past decade.

    Whether Tabasco considers this some big marketing adventure for them (and I doubt they believe that to be the case right now) they are going to be impressed with the passion UL people will have for whatever arrangement comes of it.

    Without a doubt, UL cannot pimp out our image in ways that demean us, and neither can Tabasco. There is a fine line between marketing an image that reflects the school's identity and getting silly about it. (I know some think we've already done it... but that can be re-shaped in time).

    I see Tabasco/Ragin Cajuns as a way of just sticking to some simple common themes between UL and Tabasco and getting some real nice marketing benefits for the university. We should have fun with it... I still believe one of our attractions is an intelligent co-mingling of academics and good times.

    I'm simply impressed that we've finally managed something with Tabasco, even if in the smallest way. And do not kid yourself... the enthusiasm for greater things is what actually makes those greater things happen.

  9. #69

    Default Re: University of Louisiana to Announce Partnership with Tabasco®

    Quote Originally Posted by Hammer58 View Post
    _ As long as jarheads have to eat C-Rats (or now-a-days MRE's) Tabasco wil be in business. A good way to determine which units were getting ready to head to the field was to watch who was stocking up on Tabasco at the PX. _
    Your right hammer! But, I actually quit using Tabasco a long time ago because every time I used it, my taste buds would associate it with MRE's. However, I went to the store yesterday and bought a bottle. I used it on my dinner, and it was just fine!!

  10. #70
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: University of Louisiana to Announce Partnership with Tabasco®

    Quote Originally Posted by Hammer58 View Post
    _ As long as jarheads have to eat C-Rats (or now-a-days MRE's) Tabasco wil be in business. A good way to determine which units were getting ready to head to the field was to watch who was stocking up on Tabasco at the PX. _
    My dad, a Purple Heart/Bronze Star with Valor Korean War Marine (I'm proud of my dad), told me that Tabasco was in their c-rations. One Marine gave a Korean kid who was too eager to try all of their stuff a saltine cracker with Tabasco... thinking it would run him off... but he and every one of his little friends constantly harrassed them for "Tabasco crackers". Some may not realize just how long Tabasco has been a part of soldiers' meal packages.

  11. #71

    Default Re: University of Louisiana to Announce Partnership with Tabasco®

    Three or four years ago, Tabasco finished number 1 as THE most recognizable brand in the world.

  12. #72

    Default Re: University of Louisiana to Announce Partnership with Tabasco®

    Quote Originally Posted by Just1More View Post
    _ My dad, a Purple Heart/Bronze Star with Valor Korean War Marine (I'm proud of my dad), told me that Tabasco was in their c-rations. One Marine gave a Korean kid who was too eager to try all of their stuff a saltine cracker with Tabasco... thinking it would run him off... but he and every one of his little friends constantly harrassed them for "Tabasco crackers". Some may not realize just how long Tabasco has been a part of soldiers' meal packages. _
    Was your Dad at the Frozen Chosin?

    The McIlheney's have a long history of military service and one of them was a Marine officer in WWII. His helmet with a dent from a Jap sword is on display at the D-Day Museum.

    Yeah, at some point they stopped putting those little bottles of Tabasco in C-Rats. In the early 80's we had to buy our own. God help you if you drew the dreaded Lima Beans C-Rat and didn't have any Tabasco.

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