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Thread: Why isn't Ricky Broussard being interviewed?

  1. UL Basketball Why isn't Ricky Broussard being interviewed?

    I'm not saying he is the best coach for the job, but he at least deserves a chance to state his case on why LSU fired him. To state his case on why his head coaching experience tops the list of assistant applicants. To state his credentials on leading a low budget program like he did at Nicholls. To show how an alumnus can be a good pick. To show how he is the best choice to raise money for UL, and to point out how LSU kept him on board for that purpose because he can raise money or LSU would not have reassigned him to that department. He deserves a chance to show how the others are maybe coaches and he is a have done coach, with NCAA experience. A coach who ran into a poor situation in John Brady. Like I said, I'm not saying he is the best coach for the job, but he at least deserves a freaking interview, and if not I want to know why not. The if Authement wants to hire his buddy Butch Pierre fine, but Rickey Broussards deserves a clean shot.

  2. #2


    Thank you NCAA. You, me and a thousand other people are wondering the same thing. I have known Ricky for a long time and let me tell you he has a lot to offer this university, the same university that he graduated from played baseball at and his entire family graduated from also. Does he not deserve to prove his case. I think they are scared that the commmunity will rally behind him once he gets the interview and they already have in mind who they want so they want interview him. What a shame! I thought they had more class than that. Aren't they listening to their fan base? What can we do to rally around Ricky. Maybe we should flood Nelson with phone calls to show our support. What do you think NCAA or Bust.

  3. Default

    do you know for sure they already know who they want for a coach! did you find out for sure from Nelson that ricky submitted his application and was denied an interview? i mean, what do your sources tell you? if you have any information let us know, because what i've seen from nelson and the decisions he's made in hiring coaches, i believe he has done a remarkable job so far and i expect nothing less. i don't understand you people who can pre-judge another person when you don't have the facts to back it up, whoever nelson pick for our head coach i am confident he looked at all the candidates and made the best choice that will fit this university and the basketball program. it's a shame to have to read something like this, i don't think real cajun fans will react this way.....but then again you are entitled to your own opinion, but i do which you and whoever's coming up with this would use a little common sense.

  4. #4


    I agree with everything except one thing. Baldwin was a horrible hire!
    2nd Ricky Broussard has applied for the job. I talked to him myself. He said this is his dream job and that is why he left the head coaching job at Nicholls State to go to LSU so he could have experience coaching in the SEC and it would help his chances of getting the UL job. He couln't work for Brady and Skip told him at the end of the year that he was so well respected at the university that they would find him a job and to just resign from basketball. This is what Ricky discussed with me. I'm sure he was miserable around Brady and probably couldn't take it any more. Ricky is to positive a person to be around someone as negative as brady. That is the info i have. He called Neslon on Friday of last week to put his name in.

  5. #5


    Rickey has let them know that he is interested in this job, he has proven that the is capable, and he is the best one for the job. Oldman you are obviously not reading the other replies on this web page or you would know the answer to more than half of the questions you pose without asking them.

  6. Default

    and you are right off course, but what i'm am getting at and i hoped that i would not have to spit it point was/is, the athletic director makes the choice on who he wants to interview, ok, and yes baldwin was a bad hire i agree, so the man is human after all, because let me tell you i wear alot of earsers out so let them or whoever they are call nelson and ask him that question, i'm sure he will give them an answer he always has. one last thing, if you do the hiring on a job and you have an opening, you accept applications and i am sure you don't call all candidates who applied to interview, you go thru them and call in the one's YOU think fits whatever you are looking for. thank you.

  7. #7

    UL Basketball

    Originally posted by cajunchicken
    I agree with everything except one thing. Baldwin was a horrible hire!
    I suspect you know this, but if you don't the Baldwin hire was not Nelson's hire, but the current most powerful man in Louisiana, along with the unwitting approval of Dr. Authement.

    Nelson gave serious thought to resinging over that hire.

  8. #8


    I think Nelson will make a good decision. He has a lot of experience now, both good and not so good. I have confidence in his choice. I will not be upset with Ricky Broussard though. I think he would be very similar to coach "Robe".

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