Poll: Do you like the idea of bathroom logos?

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Thread: Turbine's Restroom Door Design Donation

  1. Poll Turbine's Restroom Door Design Donation

    We are working on some designs to go on the restroom doors at "The Swamp"

    What do you think of these two?

  2. #2


    I Love the designs, I voted to use them everywhere. The girl fleur-de-lis needs to be used on all the sports venues. The guy fleur-de-lis needs to be adjusted to fit the other sports. For football they are perfect as is, they ooze personality.

    I notice the girl matches my little signature picture. I simply like it.

  3. Default

    Really cool. I've been to dozens of college football stadiums and I think these designs are positively unique. They look great and I hope you use them.

    Thanks for all the hard work!

  4. #4


    Turbine, I think the yes votes have it. When will you be putting it up?

  5. #5

    Ragin' Cajuns

    My vote's a definite YES!! Those designs look great!!

    GEAUX CAJUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Default

    Originally posted by Cajun97
    Turbine, I think the yes votes have it. When will you be putting it up?
    As soon as Gerald Hebert give me the word. I'm not one of the artists who has creative freedom. I gotta get the OK.

  7. #7

    Ragin' Cajuns

    "As soon as Gerald Hebert give me the word. I'm not one of the artists who has creative freedom. I gotta get the OK."

    Yeah, like he's really going to say NO!!

  8. Default

    I think instead of a pom pom, you should give the Lady Cajun fleur de lis a frying pan, or maybe a broom.

  9. Default

    Originally posted by RyChat
    I think instead of a pom pom, you should give the Lady Cajun fleur de lis a frying pan, or maybe a broom.
    I like the way you think.

    How about a Black Pot and a Black Kettle for when the other team accuses us of cheating.

    The broom idea is why we need cheerleaders at baseball games. "S W E E P" This way someone beside the baseball players have brooms at games.

    And hey we could use the brooms if same season home and home games ever comes to fruition in football.

    I love the frying pan, idea. When the opponent faces the Cajuns their goose is cooked.

  10. Default

    I was just trying to tell an insensitive sexist joke, but I like how you're able to justify it. When you have lemons...

  11. #11


    Anyone thought about painting the Men/Women or Ragin'Cajuns/Lady Cajuns en Francais?

  12. Default

    Originally posted by California Cajun
    Anyone thought about painting the Men/Women or Ragin'Cajuns/Lady Cajuns en Francais?
    CajunFun suggested it (on the phone) here is a closeup rendition of the compromise.

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