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Thread: UL basketball in better shape

  1. #1

    I have a Question UL basketball in better shape

    Jay Walker: "Marty Fletcher left Jessie with four or five seniors his first year except Brooks was hurt and we didn't know this when he took the job."

    Chuck: I don't often agree with Jay Walker I don't even like Jay Walker he got Todd Hamilton fired but I agree with him on this. How anyone can say the program is in better shape than when he took the job is beyond my comprehension. No seniors coming back next year means Marty left the program in better shape.

  2. #2


    It all depends on who is able to play when the season starts. If all can play then we are better off than when he got here.

  3. #3


    Good luck with that one Jason!

  4. #4


    LAY some PIPE!

  5. Default

    John Moon (aka Jay Walker) is a moron. He also got Don Allen fired. You can always tell when his talk show is struggling for listeners. He will have his "buddy" uconn man call in and start hammering the people around this area, along with the teams in this state. He got called out on this one day by one of the listeners whose employer actually sponsered some of the programing. As soon as the caller spoke his mind, it went a loooong time before good 'ol uconn man surfaced again. However when he call's in now, it is a much more mild mannered approach. Everyone knows this is just a charade to stir up phone calls! How do I know this you ask, well I am one of the stupid one's that actually listens to the show periodically. MAINLY for Kevin Footes points of views. Thankfully Kevin has taken over as editor of the advertiser sports department. With Browne in there, it was pretty much run along the same lines as if it were a "birds eye view" show. Waaaaaaay to biased!!!! End result, john moon (aka jay walker....get it "jay walker" as in walking on the wrong side of the street/road!) is STILL A MORON!!!! Maybe he should be the one to be fired! We could do better there also!

    P. S. THE BASKETBALL PROGRAM WILL BE IN BETTER SHAPE WITHOUT JESSE!! Not that he is leaving it in better shape then when he got it! Half of the players on the team fail to be eligible!! What a joke of a coach!!

  6. Default Re: UL basketball in better shape

    Originally posted by Chuck
    How anyone can say the program is in better shape than when he took the job is beyond my comprehension.
    For me the lack of comprehension goes the other direction.

    In their last three years at Louisiana respectively, Jessie almost doubled Marty's win total 60 to 35. It is undeniable that kids / recruits want to play for a winning program. In that respect the program is in great shape.

    In Marty's last year he couldn't win with 5 juniors and yes Jessie was set to have the luxury of their senior campaigns, but if I am not mistaken Jessie ended up with only two of those seniors Manuel and Snowden, he got Poole back the following year. Aside from that, the Marty program was left top heavy and the void showed in Jessie’s second year, his only losing campaign.

    The status in which you leave a program is not only determined by experience coming back, it is about raw recruiting as well. Jessie's system has him leaving a program with 2 recruits already signed. They combine to provide experience and youth a freshman and a Juco, a well balanced plan of attack, a well balanced program.

    If none of the suspended players make it back next year it is still unbelievable how much better the program is today 2004 than 1996. Only two wins in Marty's 2nd to last year separate 3 straight losing seasons vs. 3 straight winning/post season appearance seasons for Evans.

    Counting the recruits so far, and IF the suspended players come back along with those on the bench this past season the UL program will have:
  7. 2 Seniors
  8. 4 Juniors
  9. 6 Sophomores
  10. 1 freshman
    and perhaps one more recruit who I think should be a freshman, for program balance sake. But then again it’s no longer in Jessie’s hands.

  11. #7


    Turbine, thanks for your factual voice of reason.

  12. #8


    I now truly believe that cajunreality is a Tigger in disguise.

  13. #9


    Well excuse me.

  14. Default

    wait --ya mean I wrote the song for a guy that is not what the song is about. If Uconn is not the real thing, my song makes no sense---Jay--say it ain't true. By the way, has ANYBODY ever figured out who the guy is?? I would loveto meet him!!

  15. #11



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