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Thread: Barry Bonds innocent until proven guilty

  1. #1

    UL Baseball Barry Bonds innocent until proven guilty

    I am upset that so many want to convict Barry Bonds of steroid use. There is a radio show that is all they talked about some say he is innocent but most want to convict him. What is this country coming to if you are guilty before being proved innocent? barry would not do this to his father and God Father, he cares to much about the game.

  2. #2


    barry cares about barry so forget about the game. i am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. he would have to be an idiot to be taking them now and he is still knocking them out at an astounding rate.

    it should also be noted that your reflexs, and strength diminish after your mid thirties and one has to wonder why him, sosa, and mcguire all became bigger and stronger so late in their careers, but yea give him the doubt.

  3. Default Re: Barry Bonds innocent until proven guilty

    Originally posted by Turner
    What is this country coming to if you are guilty before being proved innocent?
    Sorry, I can't agree. The issue of innocent until proven guilty is a red herring. This "Barroid" subject is not being discussed in a court of law.

    The opinions of posters and callers have no bearing on any outcome concerning Barry Bonds. If a caller or poster could truly declare Barry guilty it would have some sort of impactive negative sanction following the opinion.

    Those trying to make this rise to the level of a court case are simply trying to quiet sometimes valid opinions. Even if MLB at some point in the future comes down with a "impactive negative sanction" it still does not rise to the level of a legal court case, and thus the same level of proof is not needed.


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