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Thread: Bustle UP (Literally)

  1. Default Bustle UP (Literally)

    Hold on! Louisiana is going places.

    " I'm holding on "

  2. Default

  3. #3


    Turbine, is'nt that Jerome Coleman on the far right #32? Who are the 2 civilians on the sideline?

  4. #4

    Louisiana Campus

    By the look of his receiver stance, the guy on the right has got to be Billy Ryckman. The other I can't place.

  5. UL Football

    Originally posted by Cajun97
    Who are the 2 civilians on the sideline?
    On either side of coach Bustle who is looking on in the distance, are former NFLers.

    MobileCajun is correct on the right is former Lafayette High, Louisiana Tech, Atlanta Falcon, and University of Louisiana alumnus Bil Ryckman.

    The civilian on the left is former Lafayette High, Texas A&M, Chicago Bear, and father of University of Louisiana Sr. inside Linebacker(#59) Ross Brupbacher. They share that name.

  6. #6


    Thanks Turbine, I should have recognized Ross, but haven't seen him in about ten years. I figured Bill right having played football with him at Lafayette High. Ford Leblanc whom played also at the same time as I, was Coach Rayford Leblanc's son. What was great was watching the old Lafayette High game film of the 60's coached by Leblanc. Coach had the film when Lafayette High played the Bradshaw and Ferguson team of Woodlawn in the semis.

  7. #7


    Funny video Coach ain't about to wave.

  8. Default

    LOL something about Bustle is cool. I can't put my finger on it but he has shmazz.

  9. #9


    Originally posted by Turbine
    On either side of coach Bustle who is looking on in the distance, are former NFLers.

    MobileCajun is correct on the right is former Lafayette High, Louisiana Tech, Atlanta Falcon, and University of Louisiana alumnus Bil Ryckman.

    The civilian on the left is former Lafayette High, Texas A&M, Chicago Bear, and father of University of Louisiana Sr. inside Linebacker(#59) Ross Brupbacher. They share that name.
    Hillllllarious video. I read in La Louisiane that Ross Brupbacher is on a UL athletic advisory committee.

  10. #10


    Thanks I forgot about this video. It is a classic.

  11. #11


    la cabeza del "mullet"

  12. This is Upsetting Re: Bustle UP

    Originally posted by Turbine
    Hold on! Louisiana is going places

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