Originally posted by TigerNacho
The problem is, in the real world, Evans has a disadvantage when it comes to recruiting because UL plays in the Sun Belt. You need good players to win. Good players get scooped up by the handfuls by the more-respected conferences. However, there are a few kids who get passed on - either lack of size or lack of knock-out talent or lack of grades or lack of character. While more prestigious conferences can afford to be "picky," programs like UL cannot.

So you do what Jessie has done - which I agree with 100 percent, by the way - you get good local kids who might not be able to get the attention of a bigger place and you pick up the kids who got passed on. And you hope you can get those kids in line and with the program. The problem with that is you don't get credit for the kids you help, and you get blamed for the kids you can't help.

But, the talent level of your team improves and you get what UL had this season - a great, very talented team, with a more immature kids than the average team. After a few years of this, it will be easier for UL to attract some more of the kids that end up at more-respected conference schools.

Just hope no one like Lester Earl goes your way.