Thank You Doc!
Thank You Doc!
I cannot make excuses for our horrible administration of athletics thru the years... but this lawsuit is just stupid. Baldwin was black when we hired him. How in the world can being black be the grounds for firing him? I completely agree that he was not given the tools to succeed... but what coach at UL ever has? Every coach we have ever had has succeeded, limited as it was, thru spite or personal pride.
I doubt any significant money will change hands. I am far less upset about that than the press this has garnered our university. We, the alumni, friends and family, and students just do not deserve this.
As for Baldwin's arguments of breach of contract... can you imagine some of the coaches that have had contracts or breached the contracts themselves... in comparison to this case? What a joke. What a complete joke. $2 million on breach of contract? Did his lawyer extrapolate his income out for a 15-year contract extension, or the lost opportunity for the "numerous" head coaching positions he passed on in taking the UL job?
This is a testament to the failure of our current jury system. We need to revamp and go to a professional jury system. The "judged by your peers" just ain't cutting it. I fear the day I might get judged by these "peers". The average person on the street now is so stupid about almost anything of substance, other than who is on American Idol, that we cannot possibly expect anything better than "Jury awards losingest Coach in UL History $2 million".
Most hard working people won't gross $2 million in a lifetime. We are setting examples in our society that being a victim is the most monetarily profitable profession one can aspire to achieve. Anyone want to write a book or develop marketable CD series for the "top 10 ways to become a victim and achieve your financial dreams"?
J.1.M., you have nailed it on the button. Today, I feel violated by the system and hurt deeply for the good fans at UL rendered helpless by that same inept system. However, I have recently read a book by an honorable African-American by the name of James McWhorter, linguistics professor at Cal-Berkley. The name of the book is "Losing the Race". and he courageously looks at his own heritage and his own culture and how it has imploded. The key word he uses is "victimology." See the synopsis below; it is a worthy read for people that aspire to want to understand and solve rather than sue the problems.
Are African-Americans using past racial injustices as an excuse for not working to take advantage of contemporary opportunities? McWhorter, a linguistics professor at the University of California, Berkeley, thinks he has the answers to this question and others and he points the finger directly at the black community. Starting with the premise that white racism is no longer the threat it once was, McWhorter singles out "the cult of victimology" and the glorification of white racism as a major cause for several social crises afflicting African-Americans. Offering little that has not been said previously by conservatives like Pat Buchanan and Shelby Steele, McWhorter uses a cookie-cutter approach to explain away recent race pressure points such as the arson directed against black churches, the high proportion of black inmates in America's prisons, the practice of racial profiling and police brutality. In each case, he finds fault with the African-American community's interpretation of these situations, accusing African-Americans of hypersensitivity to racial bias and a reluctance to relinquish the past. Victimology, as well as separatism, in his words, "gives failure, lack of effort and criminality a tacit stamp of approval." Like many of the new black conservatives, McWhorter spends much time going after liberal columnists and social critics, attacking both their intent and message. Even his closing segment "How Can We Save the African-American Race?"sounds more like a well-worn campaign speech than a call to initiate a dialogue on race in the African-American community and the nation.
"Why is it that the "race" card is always played and impugns the integrity of the good African-American people wanting to make a true mark in this world?" Does anyone ever remember Ty Winningham suing Notre Dame when he was released for "lack of performance?" Somehow, I don't think this happened.
When UL takes the proactive step to courageously hire the first African-American coach in the Sun Belt Conference, buys out his final year on his contract, and then gets raked over the coals for holding to the higher ideals of Dr. Martin Luther King and then gets "vandalized" to the tune of 2 MILLION DOLLARS - - something is horribly, horribly wrong!!
Good point. Beryl Shipley was the first coach to recruit blacks in basketball and LSU was lily white. When Beryl started kicking butt, seems the other schools thought it may be a good idea too.
When we got as high as # 4 in the polls when Bo Lamar was here, the state went ballistic and found ways to shut us down. I'm sure there were violations but I've heard stories of some of the goings on at Losing State University that would make your hairs stand on end, and they for the most part have gotten away with it.
I'm real disappointed that our outgoing governor has never stood up for our area like she should have. Everyone in power in this state bows down to whatever will help themselves. Politics as usual.
Back to this though, anyone is nuts if they think race played a part in Baldwin's firing.
Of all the places I've lived and visited, cajun country is the least racial I've ever seen and that because the cajuns know their heritage and how they were banned from Nova Scotia and are tolerant and understanding of others. That more than anything makes me proud to be a coonass.
We made ESPN College FB Headlines:
I am disgusted by this. Shame on the citizens of Baton Rouge for delivering such a ridiculous verdict. If this had been tried in Lafayette, he would not have received a dime. Damn shame that this is taking up our time on the day before Homecoming.
I'm thinking about it. Let's get us a class-action suit going on here.
I agree with most of what has been said about Baldwin. However it seems upon reading the reports from several years ago that Authement and Schexnayder shot themselves in the foot with stupid statements.
Especially Authement saying that it was going to be rough for him. He shouldn't have said a damn thing like that. It was a lawsuit waiting to happen from the minute he was hired.
Hey!!! Don't pick on us North Louisiana people!!! We don't want him either!
The biggest travesty in this whole thing is that he is a preacher. A preacher who has now demonstrated that you should hold a grudge, be "out to get" those whom you think wrong you, stab your friends in the back (yes, a lot of people in the athletic department and at the university were still friends with Baldwin after he left), and look out for no one but number one. What a Christian example! I can't believe there are any people who would be willing to have him as their spritual leader and pastor of their church. What a shame!
im in, what say about 2 million bucks worth of emotional distress
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