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Thread: The Jerry Baldwin Saga: 1998-2020

  1. #265

    Default Re: Joshua Parrott Op-Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing

    Quote Originally Posted by Rebel02 View Post
    _ Because if he didn't write the article, people would be ______ing and complaining about nothing being said about the situation! _
    Write the article but include that DW wasn't talked to.

  2. #266

    Default Re: Joshua Parrott Op-Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing

    Quote Originally Posted by ULBaby! View Post
    _ I got no problem with Parrott or his articles - accurate, factual, informative, good reading, etc. What i wonder is why do we make a decision based on APR and post season play when we ain't exactly tearing up the post-season scene anyway?

    Screw it! Fire 'em if they don't win and move on! So what if we can't go to a bowl? We haven't actually been invited in a while anyway.

    It seems like we want to play the same old bad hand all night... in the words of an exceptionally unnatractive and probably obscure fitness guru of days gone by - STOP THE INSANITY! Shuffle, re-deal, and start the heck over.

    Simple test to keep your job, Coach... WIN here or go somewhere else and try to win (if anyone will have you). As for the U, we'll hire somebody else, give him a shot and if he wins, we'll keep him (or watch him go somewhere else) or cut him loose if he doesn't.

    Simple accountability. Nothing personal. Results talk, BS walks.

    I've said my peice and counted to three. _
    The ban on post season play would be for all sports, not just football and basketball. Baseball and softball could not compete in regionals. That would not be fair to those athletes. Now having said that, I will agree that we don't really know if players would have transferred had a change been made. Usually, few do after the new coach meets with them. However, I was not in the interview room and those who were concluded that it was too big a risk to take.

  3. #267

    Default Re: Joshua Parrott Op-Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing

    Quote Originally Posted by KACajun View Post
    _ Write the article but include that DW wasn't talked to. _
    Ok man, we get it. Parrott has answered every one of your questions. Please stop nitpicking. Josh will probably do his best to show every side of the situation, especially once DW finds some courage.

  4. #268

    Default Re: Joshua Parrott Op-Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing

    Quote Originally Posted by KACajun View Post
    _ You have written great stories about UL and you are correct about asking the tough questions, but today IMO you are completely off the mark. How can you come to the conclusion of "despite fans' frustrations, UL did the right thing"? You said yourself you haven't even asked the man in charge of this fiasco a single question about what happened. IMO this is lazy reporting, you are entitled to your own opinion and you have the platform to share that opinion with the masses, from here on out I will dismiss your opinion as unsubstantiated. Also, I have zero problems telling you all of this in person; I’m not hiding behind ____!!!! _
    Dude you are really looking like an ASS right now. Parrot has not asked D. Walker the questions, because D. Walker is hiding somewhere and refusing to be interviewed, questioned, etc. Don't attack Parrot because the UL AD is to chicken ____ to stand up for his decision.


  5. #269

    Default Re: Joshua Parrott Op-Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing

    Quote Originally Posted by wcd35 View Post
    "...Please stop nitpicking...." _
    I'm no expert on Cajun basketball, the Cajun administration, the APR, or reporting the news and with all due respect to all of the players in this issue, but expecting fact finding in the form of personal discussions with the guy making the decision before supporting his decision does not appear to be "nitpicking". imo

    Hopefully, Coach Lee and his team will respond to the opportunity presented to them and you guys will be dancing next year.

    Best of luck.

  6. #270

    Default Re: Joshua Parrott Op-Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing

    Quote Originally Posted by 4LSU View Post
    _ I'm no expert on Cajun basketball, the Cajun administration, the APR, or reporting the news and with all due respect to all of the players in this issue, but expecting fact finding in the form of personal discussions with the guy making the decision before supporting his decision does not appear to be "nitpicking". imo

    Hopefully, Coach Lee and his team will respond to the opportunity presented to them and you guys will be dancing next year.

    Best of luck. _
    I just find that with Josh being on this board and answering all of the questions posed, some would have a little patience with regards to getting answers. Its a known fact that Walker hasn't spoken since the press release. It just seems like there has been a barrage of repetition to some extent on the subject. Just me, but Parrott has been pretty forthcoming on the issues

  7. #271

    Default Re: Joshua Parrott Op-Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing

    Not that I'm taking up for DW (I signed the petition), but have you ever heard of an AD calling a press conference to announce they are keeping a coach who was already under contract? Nope. So maybe the correct choice was made as Josh suggests. The fact that it came to that choice is where the more serious problem lies.

  8. Default Re: Joshua Parrott Op-Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing

    Quote Originally Posted by Parrott View Post
    What do you want me to do, make up quotes? Write what I think he would say?
    No offense Josh, but there is no way you could make up story lines that would be more 'entertaining' (frustrating/disappointing) than the clown factory that is UL athletics.

    The term 'mind boggling' comes into focus while trying to determine how UL still has any fan support considering the administering of the athletic department over its history.

  9. #273

    Default Re: Joshua Parrott Op-Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing

    Quote Originally Posted by BabbForHeisman View Post
    _ Not that I'm taking up for DW (I signed the petition), but have you ever heard of an AD calling a press conference to announce they are keeping a coach who was already under contract? Nope. So maybe the correct choice was made as Josh suggests. The fact that it came to that choice is where the more serious problem lies. _
    True, but I think there were extenuating circumstances in this instance that warranted a press conference. He knew the kind of commotion that this would cause and that we would want answers.

  10. #274


    sorry, but people complaining on a message board does not mean you should hold a press conference

    Quote Originally Posted by wcd35 View Post
    True, but I think there were extenuating circumstances in this instance that warranted a press conference. He knew the kind of commotion that this would cause and that we would want answers.

  11. #275

    Default Re: Joshua Parrott Op-Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing

    Quote Originally Posted by BabbForHeisman View Post
    _ sorry, but people complaining on a message board does not mean you should hold a press conference _
    Well, its not like everyone is satisfied with this call: message board, sports talk shows, etc. This is where a good bit of fans come to talk sports, others listen to 1420, others read the paper and some do all. There is a gross majority of people that would like to hear from the AD.

    Do you think that the people expressing opinions here are in the minority with wanting answers? It seems like the people who pay for the tickets, merch, etc are for the most part left wanting more.

    Again, the main point I was making was that this is not just keeping coaches. This is keeping them at a point where they are both failing on the court badly. Its not just a regular offseason decision.

  12. #276

    Default Re: Joshua Parrott Op-Ed: Despite fans' frustrations, UL did right thing

    Quote Originally Posted by BabbForHeisman View Post
    _ sorry, but people complaining on a message board does not mean you should hold a press conference _

    Sorry, there are more then a few examples of Athletic Directors holding press conferences on the subjects of retaining coaches, assistant coaches, terminating coaches and coaches agreeing to new contracts.

    side note: None of those programs are currently on NCAA probation or have received written warning from the NCAA for low APR scores. For this reason, Friday's released statement was unacceptable in explaining the decision to retain both coaches considering the magnitude and consequences.

    It doesn't matter if Mr. Walker is unwilling or is uncomfortable in conducting such press conferences. His decision not to do so was unprofessional and is poor judgement on his part.

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