Originally Posted by
Mr. Vic,
I did not follow the trial other than reading about it in the paper. And, I have no idea who the Louisiana attorneys are, or their qualifications/abilities. However, to blame an attorney for this case taking so long is wrong. The speed at which a particular case moves is almost entirely set by two factors. One, is the statutory requirements and timelines set forth by statute. The other is the trial judge. The trial judge largely sets the tempo and determines when things must be done/submitted. The attorney, other than perhaps raising an objection, can do nothing but go along.
Also, it is a common strategy for a deep pocket party to make it as expensive as possible for the less well-financed opponent. (I would argue that this is a serious problem with our justice system, but I digress.) It is quite possible that Louisiana's attorneys, with the agreement of their client, did as much as possible to increase the time/money spent by Baldwin's attorneys, who were probably, though I don't know this, working on a contingency basis and fronting the costs themselves.