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Thread: The Jerry Baldwin Saga: 1998-2020

  1. #61

    UL Football Re: Louisiana vs Baldwin

    Troy you are a fool for this thread. I heard Jay Walker say @ 3:30 that he had talked to a lawyer on the case for UL. His prognosis was good. From what i have read they are non factual charges.

    Go Louisiana

  2. Support Jury awards losingest Coach in UL History $2 million

      After deliberating about 10 hours today, a Baton Rouge jury awarded $2 million to former ULL head football coach Jerry Baldwin.

    Baldwin filed the suit in 19th Judicial District Court, claiming the decision by the University of Louisiana at Lafayette to fire him in 2001 was discriminatory.

    The award is for past and future wages and general damages, including emotional distress.

    Baldwin, the university’s first black head football coach, said he was just beginning to turn around the school’s football program. In his three years, the teams had a record of 6-27.

    Named as defendants are ULL, the Board of Supervisors for the University of Louisiana System and the university’s athletic director, Nelson Schexnayder.

    The source of the story

    Homes SO Clean

  3. #63

    This is Upsetting Re: Jury awards Baldwin $2 million

    Who'da thunk it? I actually had a sneaky suspicion that it could come to this...where will the 2M come from?

  4. #64

    Default Re: Jury awards Baldwin $2 million

    What's unfortunate about this absurd ruling is it will force colleges to think long and hard before hiring minorities...

  5. #65

    Default Re: Jury awards Baldwin $2 million

    I'm SICK

  6. #66

    Default Re: Louisiana vs Baldwin

    Quote Originally Posted by BrudaCajun View Post
    _ Troy you are a fool for this thread. I heard Jay Walker say @ 3:30 that he had talked to a lawyer on the case for UL. His prognosis was good. From what i have read they are non factual charges.

    Go Louisiana _
    Nope, the jury is out and the news is a bummer for Cajun fans.

  7. #67

    Default Re: Jury awards Baldwin $2 million

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    _ How many jobs has Baldwin applied for and been turned down? How much income did he miss out on? What were the schools?

    In my opinion Jerry Baldwin came to UL a bitter man with a smile.

    While at LSU he was an assistant head coach from 1993-95 that was demoted to defensive coordinator that was demoted to defensive ends coach. _
    So, I wonder if the jury ruled that descrimination was a factor or that buying out the contract hurt his future job options. I just don't see the race card when UL had hired Baldwin and Jesse Evans and Robert Lee...The record of descrimination is just not there.

  8. #68

    Default Re: Jury awards Baldwin $2 million

    This is the biggest pile of bull____ i have ever seen. He didn't get fired cuase he was black he was fired because he was a horrible head coach. How could anyone give him money after look at what he did over the 3 years he was here. BULL____

  9. #69

    Default Re: Jury awards Baldwin $2 million

    Quote Originally Posted by Clutch0364 View Post
    This is the biggest pile of bull____ i have ever seen. He didn't get fired cuase he was black he was fired because he was a horrible head coach. How could anyone give him money after look at what he did over the 3 years he was here. BULL____
    I am outraged.

    Dr. A should resign.

    Oh, wait...

  10. #70
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Jury awards Baldwin $2 million

    This exemplifies the problem with our judicial system. You have got to be kidding me!

  11. #71

    Default Re: Jury awards Baldwin $2 million

    Can you say "OJ Jury"? I'd like to know what the make-up of this jury was. I hope it can be appealed. What an injustice................

  12. #72

    Default Re: Jury awards Baldwin $2 million

    I was wondering where the money will come from. Did we just lose our 3% gain to some yahoo. I find it very interesting that a jury in Baton Rouge came down with that decision. Smells fishy to me. Hope it is goes to appeal.

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