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Thread: The Jerry Baldwin Saga: 1998-2020

  1. #505

    Default Re: LA high court agrees to hear Baldwin-vs-UL

    Pray Baldwin because you have a better chance going to hell than granted money. No lawyer here, but who pays for this case?

  2. #506

    Default Re: LA high court agrees to hear Baldwin-vs-UL

    Our court system never ceases to amaze me.

  3. #507

    Default Re: LA high court agrees to hear Baldwin-vs-UL

    Come on guys, he won games. It was like 3 but they were wins!

  4. #508

    Default Re: LA high court agrees to hear Baldwin-vs-UL

    Quote Originally Posted by ulXrunner View Post
    Come on guys, he won games. It was like 3 but they were wins!
    So he is due $666,666.67 per win............

  5. #509

    Default Re: LA high court agrees to hear Baldwin-vs-UL

    He was paid his salary for his contract, I cannot imagine why he thinks he deserves more.

    This is absurd to go on this long. Surely the high court will out this nonsense to bed once and for all.

    His attorney is a "loyal" alumni...

  6. Default Re: LA high court agrees to hear Baldwin-vs-UL

    I thought Louisiana was an "at will" State.

  7. #511

    Default Re: LA high court agrees to hear Baldwin-vs-UL

    I hope the court is hearing it so they can put a firm stance on it and set it as precedence. I don't understand how someone would have a law suit when they were paid their entire contract of employment.

    He made for a lot of stressful nights in our household

  8. #512


    Quote Originally Posted by dms4720 View Post
    I hope the court is hearing it so they can put a firm stance on it and set it as precedence. I don't understand how someone would have a law suit when they were paid their entire contract of employment.

    He made for a lot of stressful nights in our household
    I hope you're right.

  9. #513

    Default Re: LA high court agrees to hear Baldwin-vs-UL

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    I thought Louisiana was an "at will" State.

    We are. Louisiana is what is called an "at-will State", which means that an employer can hire and fire "at will." When a worker loses his job, he is entitled to certain benefits, either through the company or the State of Louisiana

  10. Default Re: LA high court agrees to hear Baldwin-vs-UL

    This ____ sucker just won't go away

  11. #515

    Default Re: LA high court agrees to hear Baldwin-vs-UL

    Does anyone know what evidence the Plantiff has against the University? Or does anyone know where I can find details on the original case or the appeal?

    I'm really surprised the LA Supreme Court decided to resurrect this thing.

  12. Default Re: LA high court agrees to hear Baldwin-vs-UL

    This should be good news.. Rest of state issues must be perfect for the state to waste time and money on this travesty. Higher Ed, Common Core, insurance, fraud and dirty politicians, roads.. Must be all cleared up

    Oh wait..

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