Did anyone see the story on KATC? They mentioned that Baldwin has now won three times in court against UL, which is half of the wins he accumulated as head coach of the football team in three seasons. I thought that was pretty darn funny.
Did anyone see the story on KATC? They mentioned that Baldwin has now won three times in court against UL, which is half of the wins he accumulated as head coach of the football team in three seasons. I thought that was pretty darn funny.
Atta boy bummer! Way to show your true colors. This school has no sense of direction and enough of an image problem without clowns like you spouting off your stupidity on a daily basis. Some of you people just cannot help yourselves and get over your envy and hatred of that school to the east!!!! Just come out and say what you really want to say about baldwin. We all know what that is.
Dude you are an idiot. What Boomer is saying is that a white guy could not win a racial suit if he was fired. Baldwin was fired for losing period. I did play for Baldwin and he was a racist IMO and he played favorites as well. I chose to focus on track instead of football at that point. We as society would be better off if everyone would quit looking at color and blaming ones ethnic background for the reason one succeeds or fails. Baldwin FAILED period. I mean come on guy we were the only 1A school in America with two minority head coaches but we lose a racial lawsuit. We were also the first school in the country to offer black athletes scholarships. Get the ____ out of here you piece of ____.
Boomer may have misfired on the LSU connection... although, I am constantly reminded that LSU "owns" this state... is it time to tag them with complete responsibility... or just athletic national championships... hummm?
But, as for trying to call out Boomer as a racist... that's classless. Baldwin has made this a race thing... which it was not. Premise: He was hired with fairly clear indications that he was a black man. Conclusion: He was not fired therefore because he was a black man, nor denied equal opportunity to succeed due to race. I believe the university had as much to gain or lose from his success or lack thereof than Baldwin. They would not intentionally deny him. The UL administration should go on record showing how inept they are at anything in football management, and that would clearly demonstrate a lack of intelligence, not an intent to do harm. He and every coach in UL football history should be given a letter, not money, that apologizes for how poorly football has been managed by all former UL administrators.
I do believe the state is being represented poorly. I have no law credentials, but would have achieved getting this thrown out on its initial voyage and any and every appeal to follow. They could not throw a pitch at me on this deal that would not simply be the precursor to measuring for record bat/ball impacts. The UL legal team can easily prove that UL has never done right by football and therefore should not ever be held to any standard higher than Baldwin could achieve. They simply terminated him because they were as clueless as to what to do as Baldwin was as a football coach.
Baldwin has no right whatsoever in gaining financially from this pathetic affair. I would like to see a judgement that does not go in favor of Baldwin, but clearly goes on record stating that UL has never properly managed the football program. The state and the prior UL admin are only guilty of being poor sponsors of UL football... but not being racist.
I also think last year's 3-9 record is proof that it doesn't matter what the color of your skin is... the peak of success is currently .500 or thereabout and the norm is somewhere below that. We will achieve nothing more until the management does something... I mean everything... about it... unbridled private funding... with benefits.
*slow clap*
I regretfully agree with your post 100%. We as fans can only hope that a change in management will change our fate.
That "with benefits" part is what the NCAA is constantly trying to nail us with and is what Dr. A constantly fought against, although I think he took it WAY too far. What Doc T-Joe needs to do now is put together a committee to start a 100 million dollar sports foundation in exactly the same way Dr. A built up our 100+ million dollar academic foundation.
(Oh yeah, and let those guys do their JOB!!!)
Man ---I guess the "Little knowledge of a subject is dangerous" applies to your assertion of my post---Just a reminder of how stupid this suit is and of what a joke for the same suit of racism to be filed at LSU in the Brady firing!!!! Take a chill pill and don't read into a post something that you have no idea of the reasons for its being posted!!!! After all the things in my life that I have endurded over my stance on the race issue --It is insinuated my being a racist---AAAH sorry pal!!!!
On Wednesday, a judge denied UL's request for a new trial in its battle against discrimination claims made by former head football coach Jerry Baldwin.
The university is now calling upon the First Circuit Court of Appeals to decide on the matter. UL attorneys filed the appeal after 19th Judicial District Judge Don Johnson denied a motion for another trial Wednesday.
"We are pleased that we can now bring this to the Court of Appeals and right this wrong," said Larry Marino, one of the attorneys representing UL in the case. "UL's got a long and proud history of diversity, racial diversity, not least of which was hiring Coach Baldwin in the first place. After a 6-27 record, we let him go, and there was not a stitch of evidence that his race was a reason that he was fired and that will come out in appeal."
The rest of the story
Marsha Sills • msills@theadvertiser.com • July 10, 2008
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