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Thread: Bob Fournet Dedication Photos

  1. #37

    Default Re: Bob Fournet Dedication Photos

    Quote Originally Posted by Lafitte the Pirate View Post
    _ You can help us out by sending me a check for your RCAF membership. I am collecting for people here in Houston. _
    I already joined off the UL Athletics/RCAF website.

  2. Ragin' Cajuns Re: Bob Fournet Dedication Photos

    Quote Originally Posted by HoustonCajun View Post
    _ I already joined off the UL Athletics/RCAF website. _
    When did you do this? I have a list of everyone that has given.

  3. #39

    Default Re: Bob Fournet Dedication Photos

    Quote Originally Posted by Lafitte the Pirate View Post
    _ When did you do this? I have a list of everyone that has given. _
    This morning.

  4. #40

    Default Re: Bob Fournet Dedication Photos

    I like that the banner is being pulled by an airboat, nice touch.

  5. #41
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Bob Fournet Dedication Photos

    Quote Originally Posted by SlappyCajun View Post
    _ I like that the banner is being pulled by an airboat, nice touch. _
    Was that photoshopped?

  6. #42

    Default Re: Bob Fournet Dedication Photos

    Quote Originally Posted by Big Buds View Post
    _ Wow! HoustonCajun, I love your passion, but sometimes you just need to know when to get over it! You need to stop over worrying about what Louisiana's perception is all the time, especially by those outside of the UL fan base, and just worry about wins and losses. As a Fournet, I am in no way upset or embarrassed as to how the recruiting zone was depicted. If you seriously think that now we are the laughing stock of FBS all because of a few public comments, not the decade long losing marathon that took place years back, than I'm sorry. But your not helping your situation out by fueling the fire. In a nutshell, stop referring to the buildings as "FEMA trailers" and just know that when Cajun Field is refurbished this area will upgraded also. Who gives a rats _____ about what some Tech/ULM/Tulane fan thinks or has to say about OUR UNIVERSITY!......obviously you do and that sucks. _

    I'm sorry this poster has had to shed a negative light on the thread that was started to show thanks to your generous family for the contribution. If this university had a dollar for every negative rant he has made, the program would be much better off fiscally..It's a shame that another thread has had to be hijacked by constant freaking negativity and complaining, especially when the thread has a MUCH deeper meaning. Shame on those who can't understand or see what progression is and credit those who are helping make it happen. Thanks to the Fournet family.

  7. #43

    Default Re: Bob Fournet Dedication Photos

    Quote Originally Posted by Just1More View Post
    _ Was that photoshopped? _

    Are you talking about the photo with the airboat in the air and Richard Simmons giving HoustonCajun a workout? No, it happened this weekend at the big block party. Where were you???LOL

  8. #44
    Zeebart21's Avatar Zeebart21 is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Bob Fournet Dedication Photos

    Quote Originally Posted by Just1More View Post
    _ Was that photoshopped? _
    I dont think it was photoshopped.. When I arrived Simmons was just starting with the exercise..YMCA is such a great song!!! It was pretty cool.

  9. #45

    Default Re: Bob Fournet Dedication Photos

    Quote Originally Posted by zephyr View Post
    _ I'm sorry this poster has had to shed a negative light on the thread that was started to show thanks to your generous family for the contribution. If this university had a dollar for every negative rant he has made, the program would be much better off fiscally..It's a shame that another thread has had to be hijacked by constant freaking negativity and complaining, especially when the thread has a MUCH deeper meaning. Shame on those who can't understand or see what progression is and credit those who are helping make it happen. Thanks to the Fournet family. _
    I, too, am thankful to the Fournets for their contribution. I was not negative on the facility, only on the way it was poorly marketed by UL and the media. Even Just1More commented on how this was poorly marketed and that there should have been reference to it being a temporary facility until the new stadium enhancements are completed. I don't see anyone here commenting on his negativity. There are things UL does well and things they do poorly. This one, in my opinion, was handled poorly and that is all I said. Read my follow-up post to this on the 3rd thread:

    I didn't call them that, I was reporting what others called them and how it was being referred to. And, I didn't say the facility was bad, I said referring to it as a double-wide trailer facility should have been avoided. The embarassment I referred to was not of the facility itself but of the way in which it was depicted to the public. All of that could easily have been avoided by simply referring the our new recruiting complex instead of the negative connotation of double-wide trailers. Perception to fans does mean a lot and our program simply does not have the best perception for reasons others have already stated and this just adds to it.

  10. #46

    Default Re: Bob Fournet Dedication Photos

    Quote Originally Posted by HoustonCajun View Post
    _ I, too, am thankful to the Fournets for their contribution. I was not negative on the facility, only on the way it was poorly marketed by UL and the media. Even Just1More commented on how this was poorly marketed and that there should have been reference to it being a temporary facility until the new stadium enhancements are completed. I don't see anyone here commenting on his negativity. There are things UL does well and things they do poorly. This one, in my opinion, was handled poorly and that is all I said. Read my follow-up post to this on the 3rd thread:

    I didn't call them that, I was reporting what others called them and how it was being referred to. And, I didn't say the facility was bad, I said referring to it as a double-wide trailer facility should have been avoided. The embarassment I referred to was not of the facility itself but of the way in which it was depicted to the public. All of that could easily have been avoided by simply referring the our new recruiting complex instead of the negative connotation of double-wide trailers. Perception to fans does mean a lot and our program simply does not have the best perception for reasons others have already stated and this just adds to it. _
    No argument with you about our missteps in marketing. As for what those clowns think or post it doesn't matter they were going to look for something negative to say anyway. The press release's poor phrasing just made it easier for those simpletons and gave them something to latch on to. Don't sweat it. Regardless of what outsiders say recruits will see the facilities for themselves and make their own judgments based on their firsthand experiences. all we can do is contribute and keep trying to make improvements.

  11. Ragin' Cajuns Re: Bob Fournet Dedication Photos

    Quote Originally Posted by HoustonCajun View Post
    _ This morning. _
    If you did thanks. I will check to see if your money came through.

  12. #48

    Default Re: Bob Fournet Dedication Photos

    Quote Originally Posted by Hammer58 View Post
    _ No argument with you about our missteps in marketing. As for what those clowns think or post it doesn't matter they were going to look for something negative to say anyway. The press release's poor phrasing just made it easier for those simpletons and gave them something to latch on to. Don't sweat it. Regardless of what outsiders say recruits will see the facilities for themselves and make their own judgments based on their firsthand experiences. all we can do is contribute and keep trying to make improvements. _

    And who might you be referring to?

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