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Thread: Bob Fournet Dedication Photos

  1. #13

    Default Re: Bob Fournet Dedication Photos

    Quote Originally Posted by HoustonCajun View Post
    _ Double-wide trailers for a 1A program doesn't sound very good. Check out this quote from one of the recruits in the camp this past weekend:

    “I really didn’t know what to expect when I came in,” stated Chase. “Coach Brown had told me that Louisiana was an up and coming program with good facilities, but we had heard a few things about the program and didn’t know what to expect. My mom was a little concerned that the school would be a little ran down, but I think she was pleasantly surprised by what she had seen Sunday."

    Perception means a lot. Our Louisiana-Lafayette name and double-wide trailers for recruiting hurt that perception. How about someone posting pictures of the area, both inside and out, so we can see what the finished product looks like. It is apparently nicer than it sounds, although I'm not sure I would want to publicize a great new area of double-wide trailers for recruiting. How about just calling it the new Recruiting Zone and leave off any reference to double-wides? _

    Well, the jokes are already starting to fly. Pictures were posted that I didn't even see here; sorry, but not very impressive, especially the (empty) trophy case. I sure hope this is not permanent and is replaced when the stadium is enhanced. This was posted on the SunBelt BBS website after someone called them FEMA trailers:

    "right right right because nothing impresses recruits like two double wide trailers. bwaaaaaahhhhh. you guys can't be serious. I hope its temporary but i have a feeling its not. Oh that is too much. well now that the tarps are no longer in use you can use them to keep the trailor dry during heavy storms. wow. two double wides and you bothered to have naming rights purchaced. was the Jeff Foxworthy name taken. You know you are a ULL redneck when, your recruiting zone is two double wide trailers with a carport overhang in between. wow just wow."


  2. #14

    Default Re: Bob Fournet Dedication Photos

    Seems bush league.

    At the very least, this was a very "tone deaf" decision on someone's part because this will probably hurt recruiting more than helps.

  3. #15

    Default Re: Bob Fournet Dedication Photos

    Quote Originally Posted by HoustonCajun View Post
    _ Double-wide trailers for a 1A program doesn't sound very good. Check out this quote from one of the recruits in the camp this past weekend:

    “I really didn’t know what to expect when I came in,” stated Chase. “Coach Brown had told me that Louisiana was an up and coming program with good facilities, but we had heard a few things about the program and didn’t know what to expect. My mom was a little concerned that the school would be a little ran down, but I think she was pleasantly surprised by what she had seen Sunday."

    Perception means a lot. Our Louisiana-Lafayette name and double-wide trailers for recruiting hurt that perception. How about someone posting pictures of the area, both inside and out, so we can see what the finished product looks like. It is apparently nicer than it sounds, although I'm not sure I would want to publicize a great new area of double-wide trailers for recruiting. How about just calling it the new Recruiting Zone and leave off any reference to double-wides? _
    HoustonCajun, let me clarify his comments since I did the interview with him. His mother's comments came from the perception of Louisiana, in that we are a poor state and the mother expected to find the university a bit run down. Now that perception is about all of Louisiana's universities, not just UL. I spoke to the mother and she was very surprised about our facilities and for the record, no one mentioned these buildings.

    I realize that your comments and others are not directed at the Fournet family, but can we please at least have some threads that are not infected with these negative comments when people donate $150,000 to our athletics? In my opinion it drives some people from posting on this board who get tired of reading those comments every week.

    For the record, these buildings are temporary fixes until the stadium is remodeled.

  4. #16

    Default Re: Bob Fournet Dedication Photos

    Double-wides and a sign on two temporary metal fence posts does not say "long term" to me. I would wager the sign will be moved to a more prestigious locale and affixed permanently. The trophy case looks used, old, and purposefully empty. Why someone would take a picture of that and post it is... not within my realm of understanding.

    If that is indeed our permanent "recruiting zone", we deserve every heckle and chortle we get.

  5. #17

    Default Re: Bob Fournet Dedication Photos

    Quote Originally Posted by Damon View Post
    _ Double-wides and a sign on two temporary metal fence posts does not say "long term" to me. I would wager the sign will be moved to a more prestigious locale and affixed permanently. The trophy case looks used, old, and purposefully empty. Why someone would take a picture of that and post it is... not within my realm of understanding.

    If that is indeed our permanent "recruiting zone", we deserve every heckle and chortle we get. _
    Because those pictures were taken by the media, they are just doing their job. I didn't take any pictures of the trophy cases or meeting rooms in the buildings.

  6. #18

    Default Re: Bob Fournet Dedication Photos

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    _ Because those pictures were taken by the media, they are just doing their job. I didn't take any pictures of the trophy cases or meeting rooms in the buildings. _
    Understood. As with anything on the internet, pictures, quotes, videos, and text can be taken out of context and used negatively. In this case, a picture of a soon-to-be-filled display case (hopefully it was waiting to be thrown away) looks like great opportunity for jokes by unsavory enemy types.

    On the positive, someone generously donated a grip of money to the athletic department, more than my wife and I make in a year. That takes a level of love, dedication and charity that I admire.

  7. #19
    rhineaux's Avatar rhineaux is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: Bob Fournet Dedication Photos

    Quote Originally Posted by Damon View Post
    _ Double-wides and a sign on two temporary metal fence posts does not say "long term" to me. I would wager the sign will be moved to a more prestigious locale and affixed permanently. The trophy case looks used, old, and purposefully empty. Why someone would take a picture of that and post it is... not within my realm of understanding.

    If that is indeed our permanent "recruiting zone", we deserve every heckle and chortle we get. _
    Google Image Search "Trophy Cabinet" and see what appears as the 2nd or 3rd image. That picture was not taken at UL.

  8. Default Re: Bob Fournet Dedication Photos

    Quote Originally Posted by rhineaux View Post
    _ Google Image Search "Trophy Cabinet" and see what appears as the 2nd or 3rd image. That picture was not taken at UL. _
    Great effort and a big screw up---As one who was there --I thought it was great----as I see the reaction----this is the Tarps to UL----AAAAHHHHH---THE THING IS THAT THE WHOLE SITE IS GREAT!!!!!!

  9. Default Re: Bob Fournet Dedication Photos

    Thanks for the photos Brian.

    I still don't know what other photos you all are talking about.

    I think it's a great gesture by the Fournets.

    And for those who have not seen it don't let the mental picture of catch phrase building terms taint reality. The area looks great.

    Geaux Cajuns

  10. #22

    Default Re: Bob Fournet Dedication Photos

    Quote Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
    _ Great effort and a big screw up---As one who was there --I thought it was great----as I see the reaction----this is the Tarps to UL----AAAAHHHHH---THE THING IS THAT THE WHOLE SITE IS GREAT!!!!!! _

    The facility may be nice, but no one will walk away with that impression from the article and pictures. It was just a MAJOR blunder to refer to the buildings as double-wide trailers. If we just called them buildings, no one would know the difference. And, there was no indication in the article that this is temporary. In fact, read these quotes:

    It's very nice," said Hebert, who said the area is primarily for football, but will also be available for other sports as well. "This is an area that's going to be valuable for a long time."

    Always looking at the future, Hebert also discussed that the Bob Fournet Recruiting Zone is just the latest upgrade in the Cajuns' football program, but certainly not the last.

    "We're going to have a total renovation of the football stadium," he said. "The plans are drawn up. We're doing studies right now on how to raise that money and make that happen.

    "But even after that takes place, this (recruiting zone) is still going to be very useful to us."

    The trophy case photo was horrible as it looked like something we bought at a used furniture outlet with 2 trophys in it. Is that what we are showing recruits? Hasn't this facility been open for a year now and this was just a dedication with the donation given?

    Thank you to the Fournet family for the donation, but I would be upset and embarassed as to how this is depicted. Now, we are the laughing stock of Div. 1A with FEMA trailers for recruiting. This is UL marketing at its finest.

    I'm sorry, but there is no positive spin on this. And, it could have all been avoided by (1) not referencing double-wide trailers and (2) not showing the trophy case picture. Both UL and the Advertiser are to blame for this fiasco in not using better judgement in presenting a more positive image of UL athletics.

  11. #23

    Default Re: Bob Fournet Dedication Photos

    Quote Originally Posted by HoustonCajun View Post
    _ The facility may be nice, but no one will walk away with that impression from the article and pictures. It was just a MAJOR blunder to refer to the buildings as double-wide trailers. If we just called them buildings, no one would know the difference. And, there was no indication in the article that this is temporary. In fact, read these quotes:

    It's very nice," said Hebert, who said the area is primarily for football, but will also be available for other sports as well. "This is an area that's going to be valuable for a long time."

    Always looking at the future, Hebert also discussed that the Bob Fournet Recruiting Zone is just the latest upgrade in the Cajuns' football program, but certainly not the last.

    "We're going to have a total renovation of the football stadium," he said. "The plans are drawn up. We're doing studies right now on how to raise that money and make that happen.

    "But even after that takes place, this (recruiting zone) is still going to be very useful to us."

    The trophy case photo was horrible as it looked like something we bought at a used furniture outlet with 2 trophys in it. Is that what we are showing recruits? Hasn't this facility been open for a year now and this was just a dedication with the donation given?

    Thank you to the Fournet family for the donation, but I would be upset and embarassed as to how this is depicted. Now, we are the laughing stock of Div. 1A with FEMA trailers for recruiting. This is UL marketing at its finest.

    I'm sorry, but there is no positive spin on this. And, it could have all been avoided by (1) not referencing double-wide trailers and (2) not showing the trophy case picture. Both UL and the Advertiser are to blame for this fiasco in not using better judgement in presenting a more positive image of UL athletics. _
    The trophy case in the pictures on the bbs board is not at the recruiting zone. If you would be paying attention to some of the posters on this thread, you would find that picture already on the internet. A poster threw in the picture to take a shot at us.

  12. #24

    Default Re: Bob Fournet Dedication Photos

    Quote Originally Posted by HoustonCajun View Post
    _ Thank you to the Fournet family for the donation, but I would be upset and embarassed as to how this is depicted. Now, we are the laughing stock of Div. 1A with FEMA trailers for recruiting. This is UL marketing at its finest.
    Wow! HoustonCajun, I love your passion, but sometimes you just need to know when to get over it! You need to stop over worrying about what Louisiana's perception is all the time, especially by those outside of the UL fan base, and just worry about wins and losses. As a Fournet, I am in no way upset or embarrassed as to how the recruiting zone was depicted. If you seriously think that now we are the laughing stock of FBS all because of a few public comments, not the decade long losing marathon that took place years back, than I'm sorry. But your not helping your situation out by fueling the fire. In a nutshell, stop referring to the buildings as "FEMA trailers" and just know that when Cajun Field is refurbished this area will upgraded also. Who gives a rats _____ about what some Tech/ULM/Tulane fan thinks or has to say about OUR UNIVERSITY!......obviously you do and that sucks.

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