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Thread: DIARY: Louisiana's Track & Field, Soccer Complex

  1. #49

    Track & Field Track/Soccer Complex Update

    Visual Updates Mar 04, April 04, May-June 04, Sept 04, Oct 04, Nov 04, Dec 04, Jan 05

    This photo and the two following ones were taken today, 18 Oct 2004. I had an opportunity to visit with Coach Lance Veazey, a very nice person who has a road map for the success of the track program. He said depending on the weather the contractor should begin laying the track surface around the end of Dec, and it should be completed around the end of January 2005. The key word is "weather".
    The gray stuff they are spreading around is some sort of agri mix- sand, soil, fertilizer. Winter rye grass will be planted to hold the soil in place until they have an opportunity to plant bermuda in the spring.
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  2. #50

    Default Track/ Soccer Complex Update

    This is the second photo taken today. Don't know if you can see the white material in the far off background. It is white sand that is being used to fill the underground drainage trenches.

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  3. #51

    Track & Field Track/Soccer Complex Update

    The third and final photo of the day. The photos impart a scene of disarray, but since the time I began this project in April I can definitely see progress...a wee light at the end of the tunnel! It will be a wonderful addition to our athletic program.

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  4. #52

    Track & Field Track/Soccer Field Nov 2004

    Visual Updates Mar 04, April 04, May-June 04, Sept 04, Oct 04, Nov 04, Dec 04, Jan 05

    I have been trying to make a monthly photo diary of the track/ soccer field progress. It is really progressing very nicely, despite weather that was not too favorable. I did see them working on Sundays when the weather permitted such. If progress continues at this pace the target date of Jan 31 for having the track surface installed should be a reality.

    As you can see from this photo the base for the track has been laid and the surface is next.
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  5. #53

    Track & Field

    This photo shows the infield with the rye grass that has been planted beginning to emerge. It is my understanding that they want a good stand of rye grass to be in place before they begin laying the track surface. They do not want any soil to be washed upon the track surface.

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  6. #54

    Track & Field

    This photo is of the track base, looking towards Tigue Moore Field.

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  7. #55

    Track & Field

    This final photo is a close up of the emerging rye grass. All in all I am personally pleased with the progress. There were some serious delays due to weather, and the initial diary photos were not too impressive concerning the progress. I am happy to report by photos that progress is indeed being made.

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  8. #56

    Track & Field

    I forgot to say that these photos were taken today, Nov 24.

  9. #57


    thanks for the update and the pics

  10. #58


    Appreciate the photos and updates, CC! Good to see progress, slow as it may be. I was told by someone who has some inside knowledge that the indoor practice facility is in line for construction this coming year. I guess as Ragin' Cajun fans we must exercise extreme patience.

  11. #59

    Track & Field

    RF, Thanks for the kudo. The reason that I am doing this photo diary is because I like track and field, and because I know that some Cajun fans don't have an opportunity to see the progress being made. I must say that since my Oct photos a lot has been done. I will attempt to get some photos of the actual installing of the track surface, which should begin in Dec.

    Yes, we are patient fans. I understand that patience is a virtue. Therefore, we are surely among the most virtuous.

  12. Default

    Thanks cajuncharlie

    It's looking Goooood

    Geaux Cajuns

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