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Thread: DIARY: Louisiana's Track & Field, Soccer Complex

  1. #25


    The practice facility will only be 70 yards long, and I suppose you could in fact make an L out of it where track is. I like the proposed location. It will not be a distraction to any sport or the overall look of the athletic comples.

  2. Default

    Originally posted by WebWatchDog
    Where on earth would you put it?
    If you notice in the top of the picture I would have put it where it was intended originally.

    True where it was first supposed to go is now Cajun Dome Blvd. so I would have put it right on the other side. There is already a parking lot waiting for it.

    Right next to busy road is the worst place for a track athlete. And with the layout it gets no notice from the Bertrand traffic. The curvature of the road for those going Northwest on Bertrand makes the track complex invisible. And the Football field gets your attention first for those heading Southeastward.

    I would have put the new Lord's park in the cozy area between the baseball park and the athletic offices, a kind of Carnival Cove. And, No RV's would have to move.

    I would have made a new parking lot where the practice facility is going to be. This would have served the athletic offices (both) sets, the softball park, the tennis courts, and Lord’s Park
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  3. Default

    Turbine, I like your ideas. They make sense to me, but to some others they may not. Having the track/soccer stadium makes sense because you have a facility that can be in use for more months out of the year.I think it is time, if it is has not already been done, to have a master plan for the Athletic Complex. Piece mealing, off the cuff renovations do not bode well for the future of the Complex. By the way, thanks for the four pepper rating (I think it was you).

  4. Track & Field construction

    :confused: anyone know why the construction on the track has stop? is it the rain????????

  5. Default Re: construction

    Originally posted by oldman
    :confused: anyone know why the construction on the track has stop? is it the rain????????
    That is my guess, but hey it hasn't rained in 3 days. Lets make hay.

  6. #30

    Endurance Training

    Really, the Hotel crew is working their buts off getting ready to start putting up beams, and the track crew must be on V A C A T I O N!!!!

  7. #31


    I believe Greald said that the rain really made a slop of the track project and it was now about 6 weeks behind.

  8. #32


    It's been dry for two weeks have they started back?

  9. #33

    Track & Field Track/Soccer Stadium Progress

    Visual Updates Mar 04, April 04, May-June 04, Sept 04, Oct 04, Nov 04, Dec 04, Jan 05

    I Know that the Tech game is the main topic, at the moment capturing our attention, as it should be. Perhaps some photos showing the progress on the track/soccer staium may provide a brief interlude to that very disappointing loss last night. Progress seems to be a little slow, but there is evidence that it is progressing when compared to earlier photos. I will attempt to update the progress by photos on a monthly basis.
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  10. #34

    Track & Field


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  11. #35

    Track & Field


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  12. #36

    Track & Field


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