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Thread: DIARY: Louisiana's Track & Field, Soccer Complex

  1. #13


    Originally posted by Turbine
    I didn't realize there was so much concrete under the track.

    Is this how McNaspy Track is constructed?
    No. Cinder tracks like McNaspy were not usually laid over concrete, but over a soil cement base, much like that used on shell or gravel roads.

  2. #14


    Originally posted by VObserver
    Throwing venues for hammer and discus are to be located outside the track facility, as these events tend to mar the soccer turf. I would assume that the pictured facility is for discus; hammer would be somewhat smaller, though with few allowances both can be thrown from the same cage.
    Does Texas have the hammer and discus events outside the stadium as well?

  3. Default Track /Soccer StadiumConstruction

    Visual Updates Mar 04, April 04, May-June 04, Sept 04, Oct 04, Nov 04, Dec 04, Jan 05

    Went by with the camera to see what was happening with the track/soccer stadium construction. Progress is being made, even though it looks messy. According to Nelson S the next thing to happen is the installation of the underground drainage. Then they seed the infield to hold the soil in place while they are laying the track foundation and surface. October is the target date barring any major disruptions.
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  4. Default

    Second of three photos

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  5. Default

    Third and last photo.

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  6. #18


    Very nice pictures, now I know what to vote for in the poll.

  7. Default

    Poll?:confused: Thanks for the compliment, however. I was on my way to a meeting, and sorta took these on the "fly". I will attempt to keep track of the progress with photos. This project was in the works for sometime and finally got off the ground. A number of persons were/are interested in the project. So I decided that I would do my best to keep everyone visually updated.

  8. Default Track/Soccer Stadium Progress

    Visual Updates Mar 04, April 04, May-June 04, Sept 04, Oct 04, Nov 04, Dec 04, Jan 05

    Went by the stadium yesterday to record the progress since my last visit in April. Its coming along, but still a lot has to be done. The downpour we had sometime back surely hampered their progress.
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  9. Default

    Another shot of the progress!

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  10. Default

    I wish they had put the practice facility there, but I must admit it is coming along nicely.

    Thanks cajuncharlie

    Geaux Cajuns

  11. Default

    Final shot looking across the soccer field!

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  12. #24


    Originally posted by Turbine
    I wish they had put the practice facility there,
    Where on earth would you put it?

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