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Thread: Play by Play on the Net!

  1. #1

    UL Basketball Play by Play on the Net!

    Would whoever takes care of this make sure that the feed is gonna work and i will be able to hear the play by play at work on the net! PLEASE!!!!!

    ITS GAME DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    GEAUX CAJUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Play hard and get the respect you deserve!!!

  2. #2

    Default Play by Play or Radio Link?

    Im tryin to find a radio link for the game, no luck so far, anyone know of one?

  3. #3


    ESPN1420 is on right now! You can catch the Sportsnote with Bil "Mullethead" Ryckman. Coach Bustle is sched. to be on in the 2nd half of sheaux.


  4. #4


    ESPN1420 is on right now, Hoss!


  5. #5


    thanks buddy!!

  6. #6


    Im getting the feed and all I am hearing is some old music not local radio!

  7. #7


    It isn't on for another hour

  8. #8

    This is Upsetting JASON!

    Keep your pants on and just keep listening, for chrissakes!

  9. #9

    Default Live Video Streaming!

    For $9.95 ya get live video streaming of all games, cant beat that..

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