Many women carry their entire lives with them everywhere they go.

Crowley resident, Amanda Senegal, said her purse carries much of her personal information—including her social security card and credit cards.

Losing that little bag could make your life a little harder, which is the case for three women in Crowley. All had their purses stolen, while they were just feet away. Two of the incidents happened in well lit, busy parking lots.

Another Crowley resident, Susan Richardson, said "first thing that I do when I get to the car is unlock the car and purse goes in first."

Crowley Police Chief, K.P. Gibson-said putting your purse in your vehicle first makes you an easy target.

Chief Gibson said most people "crank up the AC a little bit, let it cool of because it's so hot. The person will go up and grab the purse knowing that they set it down and they are in an area where they can't see.

Women who drive SUVS are an even bigger target. Instead of placing your purse the front seat when you unload, it's better to place it in the back so you can keep an eye on it the whole time

Chief Gibson added that it's also important how you act when walking in parking lots.

"Keep eye contact with people. People look for those who shy away--someone who doesn't make eye contact,” he said. “So, make eye contact maybe a Hey! How you doing? Letting people see that I'm looking at you and I recognize you."

Gibson says women need to be extra careful with purse snatchers on the loose. So far, there have been no cases of identity theft but also, no arrests.

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