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  1. Default COOPER GERAMI???

    Anybody know the latest on Cooper and if he will be eligible to play for the Cajuns this year?

    I think the last I heard is that he was enrolled in school and we were waiting for the NCAA to possibly clear him to play this year?

    This would be a huge boost to our Defense if he could play for us this year.

  2. #2

    Default Re: COOPER GERAMI???

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginDave View Post
    _ Anybody know the latest on Cooper and if he will be eligible to play for the Cajuns this year?

    I think the last I heard is that he was enrolled in school and we were waiting for the NCAA to possibly clear him to play this year?

    This would be a huge boost to our Defense if he could play for us this year. _

    Odds of him being able to play for us this year are extremely slim. He will probably have the normal sit out year rule applied and play in 2011.

  3. Default Re: COOPER GERAMI???

    If I am not mistaken the reason they were hoping for him to play this year, was because he basically sat out last season, plus they were looking for a hardship waiver with the NCAA.

  4. #4

    Default Re: COOPER GERAMI???

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginDave View Post
    _ If I am not mistaken the reason they were hoping for him to play this year, was because he basically sat out last season, plus they were looking for a hardship waiver with the NCAA. _
    I would be suprised if he recieved a hardship waiver for the reason he transfered. Most of the time, hardship waivers are granted for a serious illness or death in the immediate family. His transfer does not fall under either category, but you never know with the NCAA.

  5. #5


    Cooper has enrolled for the second summer session at UL, according to sources close to the situation.

    As T mentioned, good luck guessing what the NCAA will decide on the hardship.

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginDave View Post
    Anybody know the latest on Cooper and if he will be eligible to play for the Cajuns this year?

    I think the last I heard is that he was enrolled in school and we were waiting for the NCAA to possibly clear him to play this year?

    This would be a huge boost to our Defense if he could play for us this year.

  6. #6

    Default Re: COOPER GERAMI???

    My blog with an update on Cooper Gerami:

  7. #7

    Default Re: COOPER GERAMI???

    Quote Originally Posted by Parrott View Post
    _ My blog with an update on Cooper Gerami: _
    There are times when I wish my original thought is wrong, and this is one of those times. I just had a bad feeling that the NCAA would find Gerami's circumstances not serious enough to grant a waiver.

  8. #8

    Default Re: COOPER GERAMI???

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    _ There are times when I wish my original thought is wrong, and this is one of those times. I just had a bad feeling that the NCAA would find Gerami's circumstances not serious enough to grant a waiver. _
    Yea, as nice as it would have been to have him on the field this year I think most of us figured it was a long shot.

  9. #9

    Default Re: COOPER GERAMI???

    While his waiver request was denied, there is definitely solice in doing the right thing.

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