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Thread: 2004 Football predictions

  1. #49


    I read on another board, DW is in a JC and is not EB.

  2. #50


    So how did it Geaux? I want to Kneaux

  3. #51

    UL Football Coach Bustle is on 1420am

    and the internet feed is working!!!!!!!!!!

    Geaux Cajuns!!!

  4. #52


    The host just mentioned that the interview was sponsered by

  5. #53


    what is "EB"?

  6. #54


    I'm sure you have a grin from ear to ear Turbine!!!! The host is bragging about how good of a job you have done with this website. I have to agree, thanks for all of your hard work!!!!!!

  7. #55


    I missed most of it but I heard him say it would be archived here. So that is cool.

  8. #56


    Originally posted by bigearl
    what is "EB"?
    Eager Beaver?

  9. Default

    Originally posted by bigearl
    The host just mentioned that the interview was sponsered by
    WOW I was getting my phone worked on and missed that.


    Geaux Cajuns

  10. Default

    Originally posted by Chuck
    I missed most of it but I heard him say it would be archived here. So that is cool.
    I always try to archive Coach Bustle interviews

    Coach Bustle on the SportsNote 2003-12

    Coach Bustle on the SportsNote 2004-02-06

    Unfortunatly I was getting my phone worked on an could not record the show today.

  11. #59


    what a shame!!!!! If he is in a JC, does he have a chance to return to the program in a year or two?

  12. #60


    EB = expected back, I assume

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