Visiting from Illinois, Marie Mileur was alarmed by what she saw on the shores of Cyrpremort Point.
"We definitely thought it was oil, it looks a lot like it," Mileur said.
It may look eerily similar to the images out of Plaquemines Parish and Grand Isle, but what Mileur and others see on the beaches is not oil.
"The locals call it coffee grind," said Cypremort Point-native Mike Olander.
According to the St. Mary Parish Office of Emergency Preparedness, "coffee grind" is nothing unusual and consists of marsh soil and decomposing marsh that washes ashore.
"There's nothing to be concerned about, in fact we've been seeing it our whole life over here," Olander said.

If you do see oil on a shoreline, you're urged to call 1-866-448-5816.

Jim Hummel

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