Never to early to start thinking about this. Just listing who could end up where, not really picking their spots yet. The (R) means they are an incoming recruit.
Starting weekend pitchers:
Joey Satriano
Michael Cook
TJ Geith
Jordan Nicholson
Tony Dischler (R)
Dayton Marze
Rest of the pitchers:
Dustin Ardoin
Randall Buillard
Colton Daigle
Manning Duhon
Michael Faul
Thad Griffen
Garrett Larson
Daniel Nichols
Rylan Parker
Chase Traffica
Blake Wascom
Kyle Neely (R)
Caleb Kellogg (R)
Matt Hicks (R)
Middle Infield:
Greg Fontenot
Jordan Porrier
Jordan Bourque (R)
Corner Infield:
Trask Switzenberg
Dillon Guillory
Tyler Frederick
Adam Todd
Mike Strentz (R)
Brian Bowman
Alex Fuselier
Matt Goulas
Lance Marvel
Alex Spikes
Dominic Francia (R)
Chase Compton (R)
Ryan Leonards (R)
Questions for next season:
Looks like our biggest hole to fill is first base. Can Strentz play first?
We Adam Todd step up behind the plate?
Who will start in center field? Bowman, Spikes, or Francia?
Where will T-Fred end up? Will Jordan Bourque be ready to play second and will T-Fred stay at third?
Looks like we have the potential for a 5 man rotation. Which three will step up for the weekend rotation? Will it be Geith, Satriano, and Dischler?