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Thread: Need Tickets for TOMORROW'S GAME

  1. #1

    Default Need Tickets for TOMORROW'S GAME

    Tomorrow morning I am leaving for Austin to catch the baseball game, along with one of my good friends. Wasn't sure if I'd be able to make it, as the wife and I were expecting our second child. Well, she was born on Memorial Day. Today is my birthday, and my wife is allowing me to head to Austin to catch the game. If anyone has extra tickets to sell, please let me know. I need two.

  2. #2

    Default Re: TOMORROW'S GAME

    Man, congratulations and best wishes are due all baby, birthday and understanding wife telling you to go to the game. Have a safe trip and bring back a regional title for the Cajuns. With the good fortune you're having lately it should be a piece of cake.

  3. #3


    Gen admin tickets available at the gate. Also ticket brokers all over the place if you want to pay

    Quote Originally Posted by RAGINCAJUN98 View Post
    Tomorrow morning I am leaving for Austin to catch the baseball game, along with one of my good friends. Wasn't sure if I'd be able to make it, as the wife and I were expecting our second child. Well, she was born on Memorial Day. Today is my birthday, and my wife is allowing me to head to Austin to catch the game. If anyone has extra tickets to sell, please let me know. I need two.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Need Tickets for TOMORROW'S GAME

    We ended up GA tickets

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