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Thread: Melancon Wants Moratorium Reduction

  1. #1

    Default Melancon Wants Moratorium Reduction

  2. #2

    Default Re: Melancon Wants Moratorium Reduction

    Of course he does, his campaign for the senate seat is dead in the water if he had appeared to be supporting this job destroying idiocy.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Melancon Wants Moratorium Reduction

    Quote Originally Posted by TuffGuy84 View Post
    _ Of course he does, his campaign for the senate seat is dead in the water if he had appeared to be supporting this job destroying idiocy. _
    You mayl see 20000 to 30000 layoffs by the end of the summer if the moratorium rule is not adjusted. You will see rigs leave the area to go overseas. When the moratorium is lifted, many will not return and many experienced hands will have moved on and not return. I truly believe the politicians and bureaucrats don't understand the economic impact of many of their decisions.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Melancon Wants Moratorium Reduction

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunsmike View Post
    _ You mayl see 20000 to 30000 layoffs by the end of the summer if the moratorium rule is not adjusted. You will see rigs leave the area to go overseas. When the moratorium is lifted, many will not return and many experienced hands will have moved on and not return. I truly believe the politicians and bureaucrats don't understand the economic impact of many of their decisions. _
    Exactly. The economic impact of the oil spill will only be a drop in the bucket compared to what would happen if 30,000 oilfield workers lost their jobs. Obama and the democrats have lost their d%#@ minds if they think that voters will forget this by election day.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Melancon Wants Moratorium Reduction

    Quote Originally Posted by TuffGuy84 View Post
    _ Exactly. The economic impact of the oil spill will only be a drop in the bucket compared to what would happen if 30,000 oilfield workers lost their jobs. Obama and the democrats have lost their d%#@ minds if they think that voters will forget this by election day. _

    I don't think they care. They continue to make dumb decisions based on ideology rather than practicality. Anyway, Lousiana & Texas did not & will not vote for Obama so he can ignore the wishes of Louisiana voters. If this was labor Union jobs, a moratorium would have never happend.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Melancon Wants Moratorium Reduction

    Quote Originally Posted by TuffGuy84 View Post
    _ Exactly. The economic impact of the oil spill will only be a drop in the bucket compared to what would happen if 30,000 oilfield workers lost their jobs. Obama and the democrats have lost their d%#@ minds if they think that voters will forget this by election day. _
    Overreaction To Ecological Disaster Leads To Economic Disaster. This might just become the headline on every newspaper in the USA. (OK, well.... never mind...)

    Are there no competency standards left within the executive branch?? At least we have November to address the legislative branch...

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