Having worked in the industry for many years I have mixed emotions about the entire episode. I am really angry at BP until they are proven innocent (not likely).
But I get so ____ed at American's who want to neuter the industry while they yak on their cell phones driving 80 on the highways in the SUV to the A/C home.
I love the environment but I'll take the risk rather than the risk of having 30000 unemployed unnecessarily.
I love the idea of renewable energy as much as anyone, but not drilling in the gulf only put American lives in danger,both by jobs lost, and by having to import oil from less than desirable locations to say the least.
Question for the experts...(i'm not well versed in offshore work, but know many of you are)
I think that when the results of the investigation come out, and some things that have already been leaked seem to point to human error, however my question is this...
Is it physicall possible to have the primary well and the relief well already drilled before the work begins. Therefore if something does happen, then the releif well is already in place...
Just curious...
While it is physically possible, it would be financially prohibitive. The average land well costs about 1 million dollars to drill. That price is exponentially greater offshore, depending on depth. On some you might be talking 1 million dollars a day. Generally, the oil industry is very safe and these relief well would never be needed. This accident is very serious and tragic, but not a industry wide epidemic. Over the history of the oil industry, for ever million barrels produced, 30 barrels have leaked into the ocean. That is 0.003%. Most of the hydrocarbon pollution in the oceans is naturally occurring, and another large portion comes from runoff from the roads. Also by drilling two wells, you have doubled you chances of something going wrong (blowout). And when you say "before the work begins" I assume you mean converting the well from exploration to production, because the exploration part is really the "work", when you produce you use that natural pressure to produce the hydrocarbons to the surface.
There is only one group of people that I hope to witness evisceration in the upcoming years of my life... greater than these completely imbecilic "progressives"... and it is the mainstream media. They are supposed to be the windshield wipers in this rain of excrement that politicians sling. Instead, they are the bowels of production.
I also equate having BP titled as "problem solver" on par with telling someone whose campfire lit up a national forest... "you lit it up... now go put it out".
FYI...Canada requires a relief well to be drilled along side the primary well. The details are in the article linked below...
"BP and other oil companies urged Canadian regulators to drop a requirement stipulating that companies operating in the Arctic had to drill relief wells in the same season as the primary well."
The Canadians feel that the same if the same incident that is occuring in the GOM happened in the Arctic, that the outcome could be worse...
First part: Genius, I will quote you later and act like I made it up so people will think I'm smart.
Second part: Not so much, equating this to a forest fire is very simplistic. I should be divided into to main approaches, stopping the well and cleanup. BP should be out of the way on the cleanup with the military or whoever getting it done and sending the bill to BP. Stopping the well is different, it is like the surface of the moon 5000' below, and the only people with the expertise are large oil companies (and certainly not the government). Everything they have done has been a progression and they have learned from every problem.
Excellent explanation. It is a bit ironic that deepwater drilling will be halted, but the administration spokespeople are eager to move on drilling the relief wells as the "permanent solution". It is as if they now can guarantee additional drilling will not exacerbate the problem, but any future deepwater production wells are unthinkable.
Did you read the whole article?
"Canadian regulations about relief wells are not quite as simple as the Reuters story suggested. • Oil companies do not actually have to drill relief wells in advance. Rather, in order to get a drilling permit they have to satisfy the National Energy Board that they have the capability to drill a relief well the same season as the exploratory well."
This is very different than having to drill the relief at the same time as the main well as it sounded like you were insinuating.
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