Dot’s Beef & Bacon Delights

Every holiday, my grandparents used to make a mint-green colored drink called a “grasshopper”. All of the adults would have one after our meal was over. Whenever our parents would put down their drinks, we would try and sneak sips of this “wonderful grown up drink” when we thought they weren’t looking. We would get in so much trouble, but it was forbidden and we wanted it. I decided to make one tonight. It is definitely_meant to be used for after dinner. It tastes like an Andes mint. Remembered great family gatherings as I drank it.

Tonight, we had friends over to watch the fight on pay per view. I figured I should make some finger food instead of a meal, so I went out and bought a crock pot so that I could make “Dot’s Beef & Bacon Delights.” _I’m not sure who Dot is, and it is too late for me to call my aunt tonight to find out. She may have been one of my grandmother’s friends. Either way, the recipe looked delicious. The only problem is that I started cooking them too late and they weren’t ready until 11:30_pm. They were tasty, though!

Dot’s Beef & Bacon Delights

2 lbs beef franks, 1_lb sliced bacon, 1_lb box of light brown sugar, toothpicks

Cut franks in half. Wrap a slice of bacon around each and secure with a toothpick. In a crock pot or slow cooker, make a layer of brown sugar. Alternate layers of brown sugar and franks until all franks are in the cooker. Cover and cook slowly for about three hours, stirring_occasionally. Serve hot.
