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Thread: What about Jay Lucas?

  1. #1

    UL Football What about Jay Lucas?

    I heard that LSU just gave their last scholorship away, the one they were supposed to be holding for Redemptorist running back Jay Lucas. I also heard that he is considering signing with Southern. Don't you think if he had the opportunity to sign with National Champion LSU that he is Division I-A material? I think we should go after this guy, especially if Chester is gone next year. Anyone have an update on Chester, anyway?????:confused:

  2. #2


    I've heard that LSU is wanting him to get a scholarship next year since they're going to be out after the next big recruit that they're said to get...basically sit out a year and enroll at LSU next spring. I'd love to get Lucas in Cajun Crimson, though. The guy is a beast at RB as well as out of the slot. I've also heard that Shyrone Carrey is supposed to be transferring to an in-state school, and I wouldn't be upset with him, either, if he picked UL.

  3. #3


    I'm sure that Carey will go to a I-AA school so that he can play right away.

  4. #4


    Carey would be nice, however, he is a senior this year meaning that if he wants to transfer and play, he has to go to a II-A school. If he transfers to a I-A school he has to sit out a year (this one being his final year of eligibility). Nice thought, though! I don't understand why Jay Lucas would take a year off, not sign with anyone else, just so he can play for LSU, who two seasons from now will still have 4 running backs ahead of him on the depth chart. I think he may sign with Southern, which, in my opinion would be a mistake for Lucas. Simply because he is Division I-A talent.

  5. #5


    I believe if Jay would come to the Ragin Cajuns he would start as a freshman.

  6. Default

    It is my understanding that Lucas will not be eligible to play his freshman year and will have to sit out. I would be (pleasently) shocked to see him in our signing class on the 4th.

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