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Thread: UL Alum Melancon Breaks Down

  1. #1

    Default UL Alum Melancon Breaks Down

    Associated Press Video

  2. Default Re: UL Alum Melancon Breaks Down

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunFun View Post
    _ Associated Press Video _
    Maybe Charlie Boy is catching his head about who the leader of his party and unfortunately the leader of the free word really is!!!!

  3. #3

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: UL Alum Melancon Breaks Down

    it seems that the man actually has some passion regarding the people he represents. unlike vitter who is ardently trying to put a lowball cap on the liability of bp.

  4. #4

    Default Re: UL Alum Melancon Breaks Down

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajun Saint View Post
    _ it seems that the man actually has some passion regarding the people he represents. unlike vitter who is ardently trying to put a lowball cap on the liability of bp. _
    I hope he sheads some tears for the many people in his district and south Louisiana that have lost or will lose their jobs because of Obama's decision to halt all new drilling in the Gulf for a year. Let's see how he fights those in his own party for the economy in Louisiana.

  5. #5


    like Obama or not, the man was willing to open up more areas to offshore drilling then presidents before him. Perhaps the yearlong ban is too long, but we need to make sure that incidents like this never happen again.

    Question to those with oilfield knwoledge. This may be naieve, but they are talking about dropping another blowout preventer on top of the old one. In future projects would it be feasible to have three blowout preventers stacked one on top of the other, therefore only one in three would have to work to ensure safety.

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunT View Post
    I hope he sheads some tears for the many people in his district and south Louisiana that have lost or will lose their jobs because of Obama's decision to halt all new drilling in the Gulf for a year. Let's see how he fights those in his own party for the economy in Louisiana.

  6. #6

    Default Re: UL Alum Melancon Breaks Down

    Quote Originally Posted by SlappyCajun View Post
    _ like Obama or not, the man was willing to open up more areas to offshore drilling then presidents before him. Perhaps the yearlong ban is too long, but we need to make sure that incidents like this never happen again.

    Question to those with oilfield knwoledge. This may be naieve, but they are talking about dropping another blowout preventer on top of the old one. In future projects would it be feasible to have three blowout preventers stacked one on top of the other, therefore only one in three would have to work to ensure safety. _
    That is not exactly correct my friend. The drilling ban was already lifted by then President George W. Bush in July 2008. The Senate and House voted to do the same in September of 2008. The problem is that the Dept. of Interior IS NOT SELLING LEASES! So regardless of what President Obama says, his Interior Department is not Fast tracking The sale of leases! The first leases are not scheduled to go on sale until 2011. And now because of BP's actions and Ken Salazar selling out to BP, our seafood industry could be destroyed.

    Its not about Democrat or Republican, but the truth.

  7. #7

    Default Re: UL Alum Melancon Breaks Down

    Quote Originally Posted by SlappyCajun View Post
    like Obama or not, the man was willing to open up more areas to offshore drilling then presidents before him. Perhaps the yearlong ban is too long, but we need to make sure that incidents like this never happen again.

    Question to those with oilfield knwoledge. This may be naieve, but they are talking about dropping another blowout preventer on top of the old one. In future projects would it be feasible to have three blowout preventers stacked one on top of the other, therefore only one in three would have to work to ensure safety.
    The media are so clueless. A typical BOP stack consist of six BOP's. Keep in mind that it is a "blowout preventer". Not a blowout stopper. There are things that can be improved however a lot of other things went wrong prior to the BOP's even being an issue.

  8. #8

    Default Re: UL Alum Melancon Breaks Down

    Quote Originally Posted by SlappyCajun View Post
    _ like Obama or not, the man was willing to open up more areas to offshore drilling then presidents before him. Perhaps the yearlong ban is too long, but we need to make sure that incidents like this never happen again.

    Question to those with oilfield knwoledge. This may be naieve, but they are talking about dropping another blowout preventer on top of the old one. In future projects would it be feasible to have three blowout preventers stacked one on top of the other, therefore only one in three would have to work to ensure safety. _
    Bull____. Obama "opened" areas to drilling that are years away from being able to be exploited. At the same time he closed off areas in Alaska that were ready to spud within the year. Its all smoke and mirrors with this bunch.

    First they ram the opening stages of government healthcare down our throats. Now we get his bogus energy policy, no enforcement of existing immigration laws with a goal of amnesty for millions of illegals and up next, _____s in the military. Like him? NOT.

  9. #9
    CajunZ1's Avatar CajunZ1 is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: UL Alum Melancon Breaks Down

    Wait, I thought it was a 6 month moratorium. Is it now a year?? Does this apply to wells that are currently drilling?

  10. Default Re: UL Alum Melancon Breaks Down

    Quote Originally Posted by Hammer58 View Post
    _ Bull____. Obama "opened" areas to drilling that are years away from being able to be exploited. At the same time he closed off areas in Alaska that were ready to spud within the year. Its all smoke and mirrors with this bunch.

    First they ram the opening stages of government healthcare down our throats. Now we get his bogus energy policy, no enforcement of existing immigration laws with a goal of amnesty for millions of illegals and up next, _____s in the military. Like him? NOT. _
    Bait and switch----You are on the money Hammer----Just think if we were allowed safe drill -----November will be big!!!!!i in all the huge areas that are now "off limits"-----

  11. #11

    Default Re: UL Alum Melancon Breaks Down

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunZ1 View Post
    _ Wait, I thought it was a 6 month moratorium. Is it now a year?? Does this apply to wells that are currently drilling? _
    Sorry to be confusing. There is a 6 month moratorium that was imposed last week on all new drilling permits. That has not changed. What I was referring to is back before the BP incident when Obama announced that he was going to open drilling in previously closed areas off of Florida and the East Coast he closed off (permanently) areas in Alaska that were already leased an mapped with reports that Shell was ready to spud within a year. Unlike the areas he "opened" on the East Coast this bay area in Alaska has already be prepped and wells were ready to begin to be developed. This area in Alaska could have likely seen first production within the year if they hit pay with the well. It would not take long to bring the well to production since much of the needed infrastructure is already in place in Alaska.

    Even if the 6 month moratorium on new drilling were not in place the areas off of the East Coast and Florida will likely take years to see first production. I'm not even certain if those leases have been bid yet. I seriously doubt if the area has been seismically mapped if it has not been leased. And since no infrastructure is in place as it already is in Alaska and offshore Texas and Louisiana, even once the exploratory well is a legitimate find platforms, pipelines and other handling facilities have to be built. It won't happen overnight. I sincerely believe Obama had no real intent to back an increase in domestic production. If he did he would not have shut down the drilling in Alaska. It was, IMO, all a political ploy meant to falsely position himself to the center as he pushed for his cap and trade bill. He knows that the East Coast drilling would take years to become reality and it he could reverse his position later or rely on environmental groups and Salazaar and the bureaucracy to block it.

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